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  1. this guys victims are endless ask our friend google with one of gurdip singh virdi and his many names and you get endless articles and forums also why has he now changed his garage location from 101 longford road to 89 longford road, is this even legal? is he still at 101a, anyone know? here is another google 'dodgy car dealer thefreelibrary' and the link will come up i couldnt post link here how is this guy still getting away with all these CCJ's and bailiffs on his case
  2. Also fell victim to this guy and his dodgy cars, unfortunately I wish I had googled his name before purchasing, but like most people trusted him because it was a forecourt.. check out reviews of alfies cars on ebay as well as all the other names he has used another one of his traits is he never meets you himself sits away in his home scared to show his face because he knows he selling you a dodgy car and gets his workers to do his dirty work Coventry trading standards know him well despite his best efforts to use alias names and continously change his business names, he now even has a website barbercarsales dot co dot uk or similar, Gurdip may I ask you one thing, who is Barber, who is Alfie and who is Martin Pittaway..oops sorry the latter is your chum partner the rest are probably your imaginery friends as I dont see you having many real life friends..
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