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Chris Garwood

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Everything posted by Chris Garwood

  1. My son tried to get a loan from Wonga, they would not do it, he then goes to My Loan and they tell him to go to Wonga, who then allow him to borrow money. Am I the only one, but this stinks to me, no background checks done on my son, now I live in fear of bailiffs
  2. I realise that now, but he is worse off now than he was before, he like so many he did not read the T&C How can they charge more for the Admin than the Loan, is that legal
  3. My son signed up to My Loan, he then was directed to Wonga who lent him £64, then My Loans to out £69.99 from his account so he was worse off, talk about rip off Anyone know what to do?
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