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Everything posted by kandl

  1. Hi all Just a couple of questions. Hes been up in court last week for the D+D. Hes got to go back to court on the 30th May. In between court appearances hes had to go into the police station for results of blood tests that were taken??? My partner says he will be having probation reports done and thats why he hasnt been already sentenced and has to go back to court on the 30th. Im hoping he gets locked up but theres a chance he wont.
  2. I mean has done lol. Yep, things are looking good for her now. She may be able to move on with her life. He wont come near her now hes no car cos he cant walk far with him being sozzled all the time as he falls over and from his house or his local pub to where Mum lives with her cousin, its a good 3 ish miles so i cant see him walking. And he wont get on the bus just to go sit outside the house so hopefully thats the end of it.
  3. Hi Daniella, sorry 4 taking ages to reply-my internets been going bonkers! Hes definately going to prison with regards to the D+Dkthey have told him to look at 6 months. Hes got no car, no access to any vehicle and hes on bail awaitin court. The police have warned him to stay away from Mum-and he has sone. He still keeps trying to ring every now and then but its few and far between. Shes getting an injunction while hes inside anyway so when he does come out, he cant contact her.
  4. Hi folks,somethings defo going down (him I hope!) with all this with him and the police but nobody knows what. Since Mum reported him for the nasty voicemail he left her 2 days ago theres been no contact again. There was no contact from his d+d arrest on weds up until the voicemail on Friday. When he was arrested on weds, was he questioned about Mum, bailed? Has he breached bail by contacting her on Fri? Nobody knows. But i hope thats the case and its not just the calm before the storm. Im annoyed as i think the police should keep Mum up to speed. She doesnt wana bump into him and find out off him but she doesnt wana pester the plod either. She is contacting domestic violence unit in the morning by the way.
  5. Hi matt.so what will happen now that they have officially stated that its a criminal activity? Obviousley they will/already have questioned him but what happens now? Will they keep Mum up to speed or just contact her as and when?
  6. I hope that they are taking it seriously now and treating it as criminal case. Mum hasnt had anyone from domestic violence unit come to see her yet. She got a load of paperwork and leaflets through the post today and theyve asked her to contact them but up to now, yes shes been fobbed off with normal plod and theyve not kept in touch with.
  7. Hi renegadeimp so do u think, from what ive said about them now giving Mum a crime number, that theyve questioned him? By the sounds of the voicemail he sent and if u read between the lines, i think they have because he said 'theres no harm in us just talking'. When Mum rang 101 today to ask about report etc, she also told them that he had contacted her last night and they seemed to be quite interested and put it on the system. Could this be another sign that they have questioned him and told him to keep away and not to contact her?
  8. Hi Daniella, sorry 4 late reply, ive been flat out all day! Re D+D- Mum had not heard anything from him for 2 days since he last got caught so thought he had been held in custody then taken to court etc but surprise surprise he rang her last nite off his mobile so obviousley not been locked up! Maybe it was adjourned??really dont know but im gettin annoyed now! BUT i think they HAVE questioned him about Mum. He left her a vocemail last nite, really abrubt sayin 'we need a word, theres no harm in us just talking'. We have been in touch with police again re the report that was meant 2 have been written up and also to ask 4 new incident number which we have been waiting 4 since Monday and they didnt say much but they HAVE given us a crime number now which they didnt befor e as they said it wasnt a criminal case. They couldnt say much but he HAS got form for abuse-his ex partner and his ex wife by the sounds of it so i hope they lock the a***hole up. Mums also had correspondance from domestic violence unit. Officer in charge is supposed to be contacting her today to fill her in on whas been happening but has he? No he hasnt contacted her yet!
  9. Ive spoken to victim support and tbh they didnt tell me anything that i havent already been told. They said the best thing to do is go with the injunction and either myself or my Mum needs to contact the police to ask whats happening with this report they were meant to be writing up as that will help with the injunction. As for the D+D-it looks like they have him in custody and are taking him to court tomorrow from the cells. I think they are dealing with both DD episodes. They need to deal with those first then if he gets locked up, an injunction should be in place for when he comes out. Will they charge him for what hes done to my Mum? I think they should and shes willing to press charges but they say no crime has been committed other than when he held the knife to her throat a couple of years ago...
  10. Yes its true we need drink drivers off the road and I can understand that they want this man off the road as hes a huge risk to the public but what about the risk to my Mum? Yes, apart from his rubber necking and abusive voicemails things seemed to have quietened down since he got caught snooping around on Saturday nught BUT I believe he WILl gi further and as you say, although he may be going down for the D+Ds, they need to do something about my Mum. Ive lost one parent, my Dad is no longer with us God bless him so I dont wana lose Mum too.
  11. Morning all. My Mum text last night-he has been caught AGAIN drink driving. So to round up-he got caught, arrested, charged and banned, then got caught 4 days later and was waiting to attend court this Friday i think but hes been caught again last night! My Mum knows because her cousin has been in cahoots with the police and has been telling them every single time she has seen him in the car or rubber necking past the house. They rang her last night to say they were waiting for him in plain clothes and they followed him from pub! He is going to get shot for s**t and im glad. Just wish that they would be so on the ball when it comes to my Mum but apparantly, because shes not actually living with him so not in immediate danger as they put it, they do tend to drag their feet a little but ive spoken to the officer involved and they are going to put something in place. They have done a report and this will be used when my Mum applies for an injunction-shes seeing a solicitor next week!
  12. Hi The officer my Mum spoke to on Monday should have been back in touch with her but he hasnt been. The solicitor howevet has been and has said she must keep voicemails etc and must ask for help with a restraining order /injunction asap as although things are settling down and getting quiter now, his next little outburst could be worse than the last eg instead of snooping around the outside if the house he could smash windows and try force his way into the house. The policeman Mum saw on Monday said it wasnt a criminal case as the only physical violence there has been is when he held a knife to her throat 2 years agi. What about the time he trapped her arm in the door and it was black and blue and the time he tried to run her over? Domestic abuse isnt just physical, theres emotional, financial, sexual and mental abuse-all of which my Mum has suffered at the hands of this man.
  13. Hi folks, just an update on the situation with my Mum. She text this morning to say he had been "rubber necking" as she calls it (driving past her cousins REALLY slowly trying to peer in windows) then drove off. I told her should he come back, park outside and not move like he usually does, then she was to phone the police without hesitation. He didnt come back. Last nite he left her a series of voicemails saying "why keep turning your f***ing phone off you b**ch" and he was being really aggressive. Ive told her to save ALL these messages as proof if the cops are called again. The police have not been to see him yet so my poor old Mum is thinking that shes in this alone with no help from the police as she thinks they arent bothered. The officer she saw said he was going to write a report up and ring her back with another crime number but shes heard nothing yet and its been 2 days. Ive been in touch with a solicitor today re advice on restraining orders, just waiting for someone to call me back
  14. Mums cousin has been calling the police everyday by the sounds of it! Hes been arrested charged and banned and then caught again and STILL driving so they will catch him again, sooner the better
  15. Hi Aretnap-im not sure if he has been bailed,like I said I dont have anything to do with him and my Mum is trying to ignore his calls. He needs the book throwing at him for the drink driving and. for what hes done to my Mum. Hes a danger to everyone, including himself. And youre right Daniella, my Mum would be so grateful of the peace and quiet while she gets the ball rolling with some kind of restraining order. Im worried that hes going to start kicking off now that he knows shes told the police everything. But shes got a great support network-she lives with her cousin, her other cousin lives across the road,their friend lives round the corner and my brother and his OH a couple of streets away. I live 11 miles away in the next town but Mum knows im only a phone call away. Im not alone in reporting him for drink driving either, my Mums just told me that her cousin and their friend reported him too to crimestoppers
  16. thanks. I totally agree with you. Poor woman has been through hell because of this horrible person. Hes added years to her hes tried to alienate her from her family especially me and my brother and my children. She has reported it to the police-they came to see her yesterday and are writing up a report. They said they are going to see he ex and are going to tell him to keep away. Whether it will work or not i do not know-if he will still drive while banned then i doubt he will keep his distance from my Mum. He warned her that if she ever rang the cops on him it would be the last thing that she would ever do as they would find her dead. So how will she go about getting an injunction/restraining order. Does she need to go through a solicitor?
  17. hes even threatened to have my younger brother killed and would hide food from him. My brother was only 17 when they met so still lived at home and he never wanted him around so would do everything to drive my brother out and he did eventually. My Mum has lost everything as shes had to move 3 times to try get away from him, shes even had to rehome her dog and cats. Shes living with her cousin now and he had started to get the message finally but hes started again....shes finally plucked up the courage to involve the police but she still scared. She doesnt want me involved cos of my little ones but it was me who reported him for drink driving and thats whats spurred her on to report him. My brother and mums relationship has really suffered as he always said she picked her ex over him but he didnt fully understand what was going on
  18. hi folks thanks for your replies. My poor mum has been abused in so many ways by this man over the years. Hes demanded sexual favours in return for lending her money, held a knife to her throat, tried to run her over, said he would pay to have my younger brother killed, hid food from my younger brother, stopped him from seeing family and grandkids (my kids)...
  19. Hi folks, This is my first ever visit to this site so please be gentle My Mums rather stupid ex partner was caught drink driving (driving from pub to his house) a couple of weeks ago. I dont know what he blew, my Mum never asked him, but they went through all the normal procedures-he was arrested, charged and was up in court last week. He told my Mum, who by the way has never driven and has had her mind warped by this guy for the last 8 years, that he had NOT been banned and only received a fine. She believed him until friends and family told her otherwise. He HAD been banned but was still drink driving and the idiot got caught AGAIN 4 days after he had been in court for the same offence! Does anyone know what kind of sentence/conviction/penalty that can carry? Also is there a forum on here where i can get advice for my Mum re harrassment as the guy ive mentioned has been following her for the last 3 years since they split and is aggressive and controlling and getting worse. Shes been nice to him just to keep the peace because she scared to death of this man. She found him snooping around the outside of her house the other night and the police are involved but she is scared of any repurcussions as hes a very nasty piece of work. Thank you in advance
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