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Everything posted by aaaargh

  1. Thank you all for your help , much appreciated. Well i got an email back from them today stating that the earnings arrestment didn't go through because my employer advised them i didn't work there... very odd, i'm thinking a personnel error. so anyways , thats why they went for the bank arrestment. They stated that they would accept my offer of £10 a week but that the bank arrestment would stay in place... does anyone know what this means ? .. so i sent them an email back thanking them for their quick reply and if there was any way a payment agreement could be put in place that would lift the arrestment ... wonder what they will reply to that.
  2. it says "we have executed a funds arrestment........ you may not have access to funds held in your bank acount......"
  3. I was thinking the same.. i'm wondering if this letter is a scare tactic. I'm going to continue to pay the £10 every Monday (providing that it IS a scare tactic) .. how can they find my bank account though? surely i would need to provide them with my bank details? , no? ... like i said, im very appreciative of any help regardless of your knowledge .. thanks again
  4. also how do you know if it's went to county court? .. i've not received any letters stating it has
  5. Yep it's Scottish Legislation.. the parking fine was issued by Edinburgh City Council .. sorry if i posted this in the wrong place , newbie here , lol
  6. Hi everyone, i wonder if you can help I got a parking ticket a year and a half ago and at the time i really couldn't pay it. I set up a payment plan with Scott and Co for £10 a week but only managed 2 payments as i couldn't afford to keep them up. They informed me they were going to arrest my wages , so i thought well that's fine at least they'll get their money (which due to the elapsed time had reached £223)... (I know , i wish i had just paid the £30 fine a the time.. but i just couldn't) ... so before the wage arrestment i asked if i could pay them certain amounts on certain dates.. in which they replied no , the wage arrestment was in place and that was that... so 2 months came and went and no money was deducted from my wages then today i got a letter informing me of an impending fund arrestment . the letter reads as follows "We have recently executed a funds arrestment in repsect of the debts detailed above. This means that you may not hav access to funds held in your bank account or due to you by a third party. It is essential that you contact us immediately on the above telephone number to prevent further action proceeding against you to obtain release of the arrested funds to our client" It also states that i now owe them £319.85 .. this is insanity !!! I remember the parking ticket , i was like 6 minutes over my time. hese amounting charges are wholly disproportionate and if i could have paid the amount at the time i would have. I have sent them an email stating why they went ahead and done this and would they please let me know what i can do to prevent any further action, but for now i shall send £10 every Monday. I then went on to their website and noticed i could make an online payment, so i sent them the £10 .. Can they actually arrest my bank account? does anyone have any advice as to what i could do to prevent this from happening? any advice would be really appreciated
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