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Liverpool way

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Everything posted by Liverpool way

  1. Now this case was in January, imagine Sobell's surprise when he realised he had to attend the same court, but this time with the Mrs! Well on reflection of the absolute thrashing he had previously by the mighty Scouse Magic, it was not so un-surprising that proceedings were suddenly dropped......just a shame really that he did not file the correct form and offer my costs to that point! I counter claimed the intial particulars of claim which was totally wrong.......Sobell said they related to one car .....but it was two. For your purusal and enjoyment I post some of the judges comments in my case................... JUDGE "The Claimant notwithstanding being advised by the Court that the application to adjourn was not being granted, makes no appearance or indeed any communication with the Court whatsoever. My reaction to that is that any firm of solicitors, and it may well be that Mr Sobell is the only solicitor employed by that firm, but notwithstanding that, any solicitor in practice engaged in litigation who simply fails to attend Court, does not take notice of a message that was left on his firm’s answering machine, even if he is hospitalised, as per the 15th March application avers, must have some administrative staff to ensure that whilst he is personally unable to work, that the work is going to be covered. The world does not stop simply because a solicitor goes into hospital. And I am not impressed by the absence of any response to the telephone message that was left and the fact that he even thought it was appropriate to apply for an adjournment in the first place when it would have been easy to engage either another solicitor by way of an agency agreement or simply to instruct counsel to attend on behalf of the client. So I am dealing with this counterclaim in the absence of anything from the Claimant and also, as Miss Fever has pointed out, in the absence of any documents put forward in defence of the counterclaim. The way in which the claim was being pursued is quite frankly a mess. The second complaint that Miss Fever makes is that in the letter before the claim and this is from Graham White Solicitors, the letter dated the 23rd October 2012, it says this: “Registered keeper details were obtained from the DVLA and my client wrote to the registered keeper requesting either payment or details as to who was driving the car at the time of the unauthorised parking events. During various recorded communications between the registered keeper, you, and my client you have admitted to being the driver at the time of these events. Both my client and my firm have written to you on several occasions to request payment of the above debt and to date you have not paid despite offering to pay.” Well, those two assertions are clearly both wrong. And it is a matter of concern that a solicitor would write to a Defendant setting out not one but two grossly inaccurate assertions. Needless to say Judgement awarded in my favour for £235.00 and £180.00 costs awarded. Now then, old Sobell decided he could challenge this.....and was shot down in flames by His Honour Judge Scarrat...." There being no realistic prospect of success". I then turned the tables on them, threatening them with a warrant of execution.....They ignored me .....The claimant (hospital) paid out in the end!
  2. The BPA is an absolute farce.........The members on its board are all elected from private parking companies...........Hello Gary Osner from Roxburghe Debt Collectors!!!!!!! :brushteeth::brushteeth::brushteeth::brushteeth:
  3. What made me laugh was the way Sobell kept adressing the Deputy District Judge as your honour!............Even I know it should be sir.........and he's meant to be a solicitor? !!!
  4. Hi Maccadad, have read this thread with interest. I have quite a history with Roxburghe UK Ltd, and you may be interested to know that they and their associated companies ( HFO Services Ltd and HFO Capital Ltd ) have had their licences ' Minded to Refuse to Renew' by the OFT as of the 11th April 2013. Now, having emailed the OFT they advise me that they are still able to appeal this decision, which will be made by an independent adjudicator and in the meantime they are allowed to trade even though they dont technically have a current licence, ( Roxburghe' ran out in Feb). Now it could be that they are trying to rake in as many funds as they can prior to the inevitable, dont you think?
  5. Hi all, as you may know both my partner and I have been taken to court this year by the lovely Roxburghe debt collectors/Graham White Solicitors.....aka....Michael Sobell....Which they lost quite spectaculary! lol Now, we have a second meeting scheduled with the claimaint,s legal department, at our request,(hospital),following their meeting with Roxburghe & Co and would like your thoughts/input into issues other than ours that should be raised. This is a golden opportunity...Lets use it!
  6. I agree with crocdoc, Contact b&q manager and get them to validate your purchase, then tell them to jog on! Even if you did not make a purchase they can only do you for civil tresspass and as I understand it, the car park is free for 2 hours, so offer the minimum,(ie £2.00), and if no fees displayed, let them take you to court my friend.
  7. The registered keeper will be contacted, not yourself.......However you should let them know what has occurred out of decency and respect as you have obviously borrowed the car?
  8. I am the person in question that won my court case, thought to just rub salt in poor Mikeys/Roxburghe's wounds I would post up this, proving we are the real Mcoy........Still waiting for my money!!!!!!!
  9. You are completly correct sir...This is an invoice, and unenforceable by law. There are many trolls on here, so be careful people. My partner and myself just love it. ....2 court cases this year.....Both won!!!! Trying to get PPC to try a third time.....But their not biting yet!!! ha ha ha
  10. Ooooo, couldnt help posting to you....I am rather sad, in that private parking issues have become my hobby! What I would like to point out is that the BPA is made up by the very companies that send you these invoices...and that is all they are! For instance, I know for sure that Roxburghe's managing director is on the BPA board.....His name is Gary Osner, and he turned up at my partners court case( which they lost), and claimed he was the driver!!!! Ha ha ha ...still laughing about it now.....
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