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Everything posted by GrumpyOldTroll

  1. Thank you for all your help. The main thing is it's get me back in a position where I can live me life and work to earn the money I owe without harassment.
  2. Just an update here on the steps I've taken. I opened a new account with another bank, and that went through no problem. Nationwide were booked up for 2 weeks, so I opened up with Halifax. I did take into consideration what was said about but in the circumstances which are that time is of the essence and they worked hard to get it done for me - I opened with them. For those who are, quite readily prejudging the situation( mostly on MSE); my credit report obviously is not shot to hell as they offered me a £1,300 limit on a credit card and an overdraft. Neither of these I have taken. Although yes I had regularly used Wonga in 2012, I had otherwise no blemishes on my credit file (or not enough from them offering me £1,300 credit limit - in these financial times!!). Well I have sorted out a budget for now, talked with StepChange on the way forward with Wonga and will be working to be in a position to pay off what they are owed quicker - As I have always maintained, but also I have never said that what am doing with turn an instant huge profit, that was completely misread somewhere on MSE. FYI to anyone who gave advice and has viewed this topic, from my long conversation with StepChange, they have advised £1 token payment (which Wonga cannot deny) and to review that regularly. I thought I may be able to afford a bit more but after going through things with them it would be just forcing myself into more unworkable situations at the present time. Their advice and solution has given me some breathing space to get back to work and make some money (which is in the best interests of everyone concerned!)
  3. Thanks for your help, I'm popping over to Nationwide now.
  4. I've been with my bank since 2007 but I have a longstanding £1100 overdraft with them too, which costs me about £13 a month. Perhaps when I have my debt consultation with StepChange tomorrow, I may write to Barclays, ask them to free it and accept a payment plan, at least I wouldn't be throwing away £13 a month. I see the Nationwide look good, might open up that account tomorrow morning!!
  5. Thank you for your help. Do you advise a change of Bank? I'm leaning towards it...
  6. Thank you for your comments. I do note that yes I do note that the contractual interest is £1400 and take your point, the lower figure is obviously what they would accept if you were to pay back early. Point taken. I am down to basic benefits at this time, but with regards to convincing people (Wonga) life would certainly be easier if you were not to have to explain some rather personal circumstances. I understand OFT wavier in your favour on giving Wonga all your info and making themselves feel big. Thank you both - I am interested to know if it would be right to go in tomorrow and open up a bank account across town to protect myself!!
  7. Hi there thank you for your help. My Capital is £1000, this was made up of an original amount and then some extra funds that brought it to £1000. The Interest therefore stands at £152 but on repayment date it will be: Interest repayment £385.55 Transmission Fee £16.50 bringing the total repayment to £1402.05. My only sources of income are CB, Tax Credits and Housing Benefit, until my product comes out during May and then it could be considerably more. Wonga does have my bank details, but as I mentioned above I have already given my bank instruction to send them a cancelation, informing them they no longer have authority to withdraw funds from my account. If they do I can have it immediately refunded. I have done this before with a silly little subscription I couldn't unsubscribe from and that was recently. They have been taking it via card payment. It's nice to hear again that my financial difficulty has to be taken into consideration on my timescale, not theres. It was the Money Saving Expert forum where a few responses were below the belt! As I say I only have a meagre amount to give them right now, but that could increase after May so I would be prepared to regularly review it. I look forward to hearing your advice....
  8. Hello there I posted this one another forum and took a right verbal bashing so I'm hoping there are some more people here with slightly more understanding. "ORIGINAL POST: Situation: Cannot replay Wonga loan as employment situation has just changed dramatically. I am now self employed, but certainly will not be able to repay them on May 04th - £1400. In fact there is no real chance of any more income forthcoming, at least right now, as my first product will only become available in during May. I have a family and my Tax Credits, CB and Housing Benefit have all been adjusted. However there is very little disposable income. Actions: I searched around some debt sites, and even have a call with StepChange planned for tomorrow, although I actually have it all worked out on a spreadsheet and have made all the cuts possible to spending. After some research I called Wonga to explain and come to a payment arrangement. However they refused on the basis there system will not let them set up an arrangement until days before. They gave me a load of rubbish about not being able to do anything until just before it was due, so in effect they were saying we won't work out a plan with you until you owe us £300 more!! Currently as it stands I owe them £1151.42 and obviously I have contacted them now rather than May 4th at which point I will owe £1400. I got nowhere with them and so noted down the time and name of the person I spoke to and told them I was going to email them instead requesting a payment plan. After reading a bit more on here I have got my bank to send them a cancellation, withdrawing Wonga's authority to take any money out of my account. I have has dealings with this previously when i had one coming out for a subscription website which wouldn't let you unsubscribe (no replys to emails etc). I cancelled that one with the bank and when they did take a payment again, the bank refunded it. My plan now is to send an email to Wonga, with a screenshot showing the amount I owed to them at the time of the call and the name of the chap and request they accept a payment plan. However that payment will be very low, as I will only to be able to afford £20 a month until I begin to generate income from my self employment. My proposal to them would be to accept £20 a month and review it on a monthly basis, going over my income and outcome again to review? Has anyone got any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks in advance for reading and responding. " As I said I then got some pretty harsh responses but understandably. To add to the above: I appreciate all the comments here but I have heard it stated, on these very forums that if £1 a week is all you can pay they have to accept. I did state above that the £20 was on review each month as when my product is out in May, I may well have considerably more income to pay off the debt faster. I didn't realise there was a Wonga forum but will have a look for it. "Only your I&E details will enable them to determine that." I have also heard it said that they do not decide what you are able to pay, you do, so how are they to determine if you have the means? Also, does anyone know any more (or can direct me) to information on if they can petition for my bankruptcy if it's over £750?" Cany anyone here help on advice here. I've been getting loans from Wonga month after month and I guess now I just want a base to break the cycle.
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