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Everything posted by bowcreek

  1. Thanks Dotty50. I would prefer sending them e-mail. During my conversation lady from TW gave me the e-mail address to send the documents to. And yes I did record that conversation. But would first start with simple letter to them alongwith my copies of my lodger agreements as evidence that my rent was inc water bills and other utility bills. Brigadier - Can I ask for your help now ? Would you be able to draft a formal letter for me please? Will post the lodger agreement I have shortly. I hope that can be treated as a valid proof by TW.
  2. Thanks DonkeyB and Dotty50 ! Should I now send them all my lodger agreements for the whole duration of my stay in that property alongwith a letter of complaint having details of the whole situation? Should this be just sent to TW? Cheers
  3. When I insisted that they need to tell me how excatly they got my details and its my right to know each every details they have about me - The lady on phone had put me on hold for a min and came back saying - We first reached Experian who got your details from Voters Roll Register !! (But I never registered myself there .. !) She also mentioned that we in such "landlord tenant dispute" we advise to send over the tenancy agreements or other evidences to show for what period you stayed in the property so that we can just charge you for the duration you stayed in. On which I said - But what if the tenant lives with resident landlord? she replied - I would still suggest you send over such agreement which you hold with your landlord which mention that the tenant's agreement stated that the rent was inc. water charges. As per them the account has been on my name since June 2012. What shold be my course of action now Guys ? Please help.
  4. They say that in cases where landlord or the account holder doesn't repond to them - they can get the information about whoever lives in the property by sending someone to the property or through council and many other sources...!! For my particular case its not like they were passed on the details by someone...
  5. The letter I got was from CWC....not from Thames Water. Sorry - but since I saw a bill in Sept issued on my name (which I just didn't bother to take seriously), does it not mean that account IS now on my name? Dotty50 - What do I need to ask TW by calling them? Is that to explain the whole situation to them in simple terms or asking how they got my details on this water account?
  6. Yes. It was from CWC. Not sure how they got it. But should I call TW again to know how they got it? Does it really matter now? Wouldn't I take a detour from my original motive - Get this mess out of my life... Yes I have copies of all the agreements we had (contract was revised every 2 months) with signature of both landlord and myself. It does mention that all utility bills like water bills, electric, gas and wireless are included in the rent". No one else has been chasing me for anything. Gas and electricity were top up type connections.
  7. So the complete sequence of events is like that .. May 2012 - Started living at this address... Sept 2012 - A bill on my name received - Overlooked/forgot to mention about. No bills seen after that. Dec 2012 - Debt letter from CWC on my name. Spoke to Landlord and then also to CWC...gave them my mobile number. Can remember that they said the account is on my name since May or June..how they got my details or who made it transfer to my name - They didn't tell me. left this house in end of Dec 2012 Apr 2013 - Started getting texts and automated calls from Moorcroft.
  8. Good point ! Yes I vaguely remember that I saw one bill somewhere in Sept 2012 on my name but just overlooked it and forgot about it at all. So yes there might have been more bills after that one which I never saw..I got the debt letter from CWC in Dec 2012. I lived at that address from May to Dec 2012. Another question - How can main account holder (my landlord orginally) give someone's name / details to TW to transfer his water account to someone without that person's consent? Possible?
  9. Thanks Dotty50! I never filled up any electoral registration form. The only entity which should have my address is my Bank, or gym etc. I might have also filled up some offers etc. here and there or promotional cards - which anybody can do anytime though.
  10. The texts I have received are as follows: Mr.xxx, pls reply with your e-mail address so we can get in touch re:Moorcroft acct#xxxxx or call 01614752979. The first text was received on 3rd Apr and another reminder with same text was received on 9th Apr. Meanwhile I got an automated call as well "asking me to confirm if I am the person they are asking the name for.." by saying yes or no .!! I just hung up..!! Not sure if with this I can still send them a letter and this can be treated as harassment? Its true that I don't know why am I getting these calls and texts to get in touch for. !! (But tricky bit is I know it would be for Thames water matter).
  11. Thanks for being patient ! Agreed, Moorcroft haven't formally showed their hands saying they are chasing me for that debt or whatever and I haven't spoken/contacted them yet either. They have just been sending me texts to keep in touch regarding account number mentioned in the texts. So I can't issue a prove it letter at the moment to them. Yes, I had spoken with CWC earlier and the letter was issues by them only...back in december.
  12. Okay - Please don't beat me with a stick and excuse me for my ignorance..! While writing a response to Bregadier to provide more details for writing the letter, I took out the letter from my file which I got from (PLEASE NOTE) - "CWC - Debt recovery Specialists" and not Moorcroft... in december. So it was actually CWC and not Moorcroft who sent me the letter and whom I had spoken with. BUT The reason I started mentioning about this company called Moorcroft right from the beginning of this thread, is that recently the texts and Automated calls which I have been getting are from Moorcroft - in which thet are asking to respond with my e-mail address and have also given an account number regarding which they want to get in touch with me...and I thought it was Moorcroft only which issued me that letter in the beginning! Apologies...! So now I am getting the calls and texts from Moorcroft to which I haven't responded at all. It has the account number different from the one mentioned in letter from CWC. But I am 99% sure that its the same case which CWC was handling which has now been passed onto Moorcroft to work on ... So ideally I haven't had any confirmation or communication with Moorcroft to know for what are they trying to get in touch with - What should I do? Should I contact them back with my e-mail address ? Should I call them? or should I enquire by logging into their site using the given account number in texts? I can't write a letter to Moorcroft without any confirmation on what they are chasing me for - formally..!! Sorry again for confusing you all
  13. Okay - I have no background on dealing in such situations and hence had a happiest time of the day when I got the link to the "Prove it" letter and fellow members asked me to us it as the first correspondence. I am confident in sending it as a standard template would have prevented my newbie wordings to be passed on to Moorcrap or TW hence minimizing the chance of them coming back ! But I somewhat agree that it *might* (no offence to ncm-000 or others) be a better idea to mold the letter a bit tailored to my situation? Thanks and agree with you Desperate Daniella. I would have preferred to use the Prove it letter. But I can attempt to write down a tailored version of the prove it letter by stealing the lines from various posts mentioning various "laws" and doing a bit of bodyshop work on the letter. Can post it here before I send it over for experienced members to review. Would that work for you guys . Hoping that I am not being a pain !! Glad to be part of this forum at right time....
  14. Wow ! You guys are stars ...! Appreciate such quick responses. They are really a great help. Would it be best to send an e-mail or write, print, sign the letter and post it to them using recorded delivery? Who all should I send the letter to? TW and moorcroft both or just moorcroft? Cheers
  15. Hi Folks - I alongwith my wife lived as a lodger for around 6 months in one of the rooms in this property with resident live in landlord. On one morning (November 2012) I saw a letter addressed to me mentioning "Urgent - Do not Ignore", and found that it was a letter from Moorcroft (on behalf of Thames water) asking for paying debt of around GBP 300 as a matter of urgency !! I never ever contacted Thames water and had never had any agreement with them or requested their services at all ... Neither I ever gave my address to them nor I understand how they got to know that I live there as a lodger. I was living there as a lodger and my lodger agreement (on a simple plain paper made by landlord) signed by me and the resident landlord clearly says that the rent is inclusive of all the bills including water. I called Moorcroft and explained the whole situation and gave them my contact number - to which they responded that if you think that landlord should be held responsible for paying this rent - you need to talk and convince him for the same. !! When I talked to the landlord he responded in a suspicious manner saying - "Just ignore these people and they can't do anything, I will write them a letter. Its just that they are trying to find someone who lives in this property who can respond to them as I am not responding to them due to a dispute I have with Thames water" . After around 4 months, now I have started getting calls and texts from Moorcroft asking to get in touch which means that the landlord never responded to them and the debt is still outstanding... I now live as a lodger at a new address and am concerned how can I get this off my head. I want things to be clear so that my credit history etc. doesn't get affected for future sake and obviously I am not the one who should be paying this debt.. Please would you be able to advice and help me asap? Many thanks Cheers.
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