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Dale Young

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  1. Hi I am new to this - looking for urgent adivce, so if anyone has been through something similar I would much appreciate a reply. I have recieved 2 letters from 2 different debt collectors stating I owe 2 different balances totalling around £5000 over a period of 4 years from 2006 to 2010 from my previous property. They are claiming that they have no record of my gas bills during the time I lived in and owned the flat. One of the bills states I owe over £3000 for 1 year and the other £2300 for a period of 3 years - bare in mind this was a 2 bedroom flat. These dates however dont make sense as I sold the property in 2009 and moved to a different property. My issue is I have no record of any bills from this period, as like most people I keep correspondence for a total of a year or two and then shred it. I also have no bank records as I moved my accounts when I moved property in 2009. Firstly, can British Gas begin a debt claim after 6/7 years? They are stating without proof of payment on my behalf they will continue to contact me for the money. .but surely they have to prove I didn't pay? Help needed urgently as I am hoping to sell my current property and am very worried that this will have a negative impact on my fiancial credit rating. PLEASE HELP!
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