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  1. Just a quick note to say have a look at your credit file as they may have put an arrangement on it regarding the outstanding loan just in case you wanted credit in the near future, i think they just report to Experian, but this did not hinder me getting credit (through a high street bank at there best rate as well) when i had one on my report, and about 3 weeks after being put on my file it dropped off even though i had about 3 months left to pay, not sure if I was just lucky there though...? I agree I will never never touch these companies again as long as i live I would rather have no money than go through that Hell again....! and well done for facing up to them. Without the help of this site and people on it I would have not known what to have done. it has a wealth of information on it covering everything and is so valuable to have this resource..thanks...
  2. I agree Wonga are believe it or not quite easy to deal with. I have personal experiance of them and was running a debt of about £1500 including all there interest etc etc. I emailed them and said i was experiancing problems with payments and what could they do). They replied in about 3 days and said I could enter a payment plan with them but only after my payment had failed to be taken. In a nutshell the payment was not taken and I defaulted, they then took another 3 days to set up the payment plan (on those 3 days i was being charged interest....!) I received the email explaining the payment plan and was going to pay £50 per month until the debt was clear, was going to take me ages but hey I needed to do something to pay the shi*s back. The interest did stop on the account and i arranged to make the payment via there website every month until the money was paid back. Part of the deal was that if I missed any of the payments the payment plan would stop and the whole loan would need to be paid.....I did not miss any payments but after 5 months I managed to pay them off after coming clean to my family and they helped me clear it. I know not everybody can do that but it really helped me out. They do update your credit file with AR (arrangement set up) but do not worry as I still managed to get a very good loan with my bank 6 months later even with that on my report. I know how easy it is to get into this mess as i did have 7 of the things totalling about £3500, but i will never be going near them again as long as I live....! there is light at the end of the tunnel and this is the best place to get advise as this is where i got mine from Hope this helps and good luck....
  3. First thing is first, speak to wonga and get them to set up a payment plan for you. I emailed them (cant remember the email address though) explaining my situation and the fact that i could not pay the debt off. They did email back about 2 days later to advise that they need a income and expenditure form filled out, which involved things like rent payments, council tax etc etc, i do not think legally they are entitled to ask for this information though maybe somebody could help me out here with that. I did fill in the form and sent it back to them, they then sent another email back about 2 days later again advising that they had accepted my proposal and the loan would start being paid back that month of £50 per month (i owed about £1500). The annoying thing is that they still charge the interest until they have confirmed the arrangement....! You then log onto your account and it shows you the payment plan set up and when the payments are due etc.....I then phoned and made payments each month, i never set up a direct debit as i knew that they would milk my account one month. I have since paid the loan back with a little help from people and no longer owe the money, but i do know what you are going through...there is light at the end of the tunnel just hang in there and hopefully somebody else will be along to maybe give you more sound advise on a more legal basis......
  4. Hi Guys I too had a shed load of payday loans and was lucky enough to pay them all off, would never touch one again with a very large barge pole...! easy to get into the spiral of debt with them but this is a great site to help people like you too get out of the trouble. Without this site i would have been up sh*t creek. By the way has anybody else noticed some of the advertising on this website.........they are payday loans......!
  5. Hi There, Really does depend on what PDL's you have got involved with as some are easier than others and open to payment plans. Wonga for example have to wait until you have defaulted on your payment and then 3 days later you can set a payment plan up with them, i think that is wrong that you have to wait 3 days (interest goes on during that time.!) . Do not bother filling in there silly income and expenditure form as they want to know everything, just give them the basics, ie council tax, rent/mortgage, gas, electric etc etc, that is all the info you need to give them, whatever you are left with you can then pay them (do not make yourself short though). Any payday company would rather have some sort of payment than nothing at all. As i say some are easier to speak to than others and some even accept a considerable amount less than the original amount (if you have already rolled over before) but will not let you borrow from them again.......which in my opinion is a good thing. In my personal experiance i phoned each one ( i had 5, totalling £2000) and explained my situation, said i had this amount of money and could only pay them that. I guess i was lucky in that they accepted the payments and closed the accounts. If you do get into a payment plan with them then make sure you pay on time as they will slap you with another missed payment fee and speed up the collection process which is apparently in the small print.. good luck, there is always light at the end of the tunnel
  6. Had a loan with Wonga and was unable to pay the amount due on the due date (£1200 inc interest) I had to wait until i had defaulted on my payments and it then took them 3 days to set up a payment plan, they do advise you of this when you phone them. (Mine was set up for £50 per month, and interest had been frozen) I totally disagree with the fact that they have to wait for the payment to come back to them unpaid before they can set up a payment plan as this means they were getting 3 days interest from me. After emailing them a very brief list of my outgoing each month they accepted on £50 per month, on my account page it showed what was due and on what date which was helpful. I also checked my credit file and on Equifax it showed AR against Wonga (arrangement plan set up). I was fortunate enough for somebody to bail me out of that hell and am waiting to check my credit file at the end of the month to see if has been taken off and closed...! It really depends on who you get on the end of the phone as to what result you will get, some want to help others don't and do not listen to your story, yes they probably hear it everyday, but they should know that by the type of company they are, preying on the low income and charging way over the odds interest for people in need, i also know that there are people out there who have no intention of paying them back either and that reflects bad on the people that are genuine. They even advertise on TV now on prime time slots with those stupid f*cking puppets, they should be puppetnapped and placed in a big fat vat of Lava....(right rant over) Sorry for the waffling but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel but it might take a while to get there. Peace
  7. Totally agree with the above, I too had several payday loans and was robbing Peter to pay Paul. Rolling over each month and getting in a right state. I am also not one to give advice to anybody as i was stupid enough to take these loans out in the first place, but i decided enough was enough and decided to come clean to family and advise what i was doing each month and the fact that I could no longer afford to live as was always paying back the loans and they were never going down...! I was so scared of talking to people about it but it was making me ill and felt like my head was going to explode with constantly thinking about how i was going to get the money to pay them and money for the rest of the month, but I was VERY LUCKY and they paid these loans off for me (£2470) which they said they did not want back, but i wanted to pay them back £50 per month (which is a sh*t load less than what they wanted for there interest only payments!) The one bit of advice i can give is that if you talk to people about your situation then someone can help, even if it is the payday loans themselves by agreeing to a payment plan with no interest being put on. I can now sleep at night and happy that I WILL NEVER use these companys again as long as i live. They still send me emails and text message asking if I want another loan with them, but i have since downloaded a great App called Mr Number which can stop these calls / texts coming through, easier than changing my number....! Remember there is help out there if you ask for it and if you want it.
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