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  1. I'm sorry, I'm not guessing what it says, I answered your questions and was trying to save time for anyone reading by not posting too many details. I assumed, perhaps wrongly, that you would be familiar with the wording. Sorry to have wasted your time. Thank you.
  2. No it doesn't. It's just a single sheet, there's not much information on it! Thank you.
  3. Hi, it's dated 5th March, I got it last Monday.
  4. Yes, sorry I meant mediation!! I returned that I didn't agree to mediation or suggest an appropriate course of action until the claimant responded to my request for information. The next thing I received is the General Form of Judgement. It says it is ordered I pay the sum plus £170 costs forthwith. It has a warning on the bottom about not paying and details of how to pay etc. That's basically it! Do you know whether I can request the case papers from the court? Or does it not matter anyway once the judgement has been entered. I am willing to pay anything I owe, I just have no idea what this is for! Sorry this is so confusing, thank you for your time.
  5. Yes I sent it to the court and they responded with the offer of mitigation. I returned that to the court too. I have replied to everything straight away, I'm not trying to hide from it at all, I just needed the information from Arrow so that I could respond. Thank you for your help.
  6. Thank you! I can see I've not done the right thing now but still it seems a bit harsh that companies can push these through like this Thanks for your help.
  7. Hi citizenB, sorry I didn't see your reply too. I've not done a very good job here, I'm afraid. When they first contacted me, I just wrote back saying I had no knowledge and asked them to send me a copy of the original agreement, full statements of account and notice of assignment...but this was in my own words not using a template or quoting law. My defence basically said I had requested these things and couldn't respond until I had them, I can see from your link how I should have requested them formally again but unfortunately I didn't know that at the time. Ooops!
  8. Hi, thank you for your reply. Yes, I submitted my defence on time. I then had a form offering mitigation and asking for my proposed course of action. I refused mitigation straight away as I didn't see the point given my position, perhaps this was the wrong thing to do! The next thing I had was the judgement. Thank you.
  9. Hi all, I'm looking for some advice regarding a CCJ that has been issued against me in favour of Arrow Global please. Basically, Arrow began chasing me a few months ago for just over £1000. I genuinely have no idea what it is for although it is likely to be mine! I wrote to them asking for information, credit agreements etc but had no response and a court claim was issued instead! I used the same reason as my defence and again requested paperwork, again had no response and a CCJ has been issued. I feel this is unfair, a large company pushing this through without giving me fair chance to defend myself and I suspect there are lots of charges etc on this amount that may not be fair but there's little I can do about it without paperwork! I would like to appeal the judgement but after reading the court leaflet I'm not sure if I can. Any advice would be gratefully received. Many thanks for reading.
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