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  1. Actually, the issue is a little more complicated. Basically, I entered into a tenancy agreement with the landlord in Oct 2010. In Jan 2011, another room in the property became available, and so a new agreement was written up for this room. The deposit being protected at the moment was registered for the new room within a month of Jan 2011. However, the deposit for the previous room I rented from Oct to end of Dec 2010 appears to never have been protected. I guess the question is, does this mean legally the landlord never protected the deposit for the rent of the first room? What redress do I have? Do I have a case?
  2. I rented a property for approximately 2 years and ended the tenancy agreement and moved out in March 2013. The landlord has been dragging his feet on releasing my deposit (held via the Deposit Protection Scheme). He also come up with a list of deductions he would like to take off my deposit - quite a few that I am disputing. As part of my efforts to speed up the process of returning my deposit, I have discovered that my landlord had NOT protected my deposit within the first 30 days of the tenancy agreement. In fact, he only registered it with the Deposit Protection Scheme four months into my tenancy agreement. Legally, does this have implications for him? I think he is not aware that I have uncovered this fact. Do I have a case to take to court?
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