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  1. Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately I have lost contact with my friend, so only have the owners name. They dont seem interested in tracking them down. I suspect as the site was locked, the only way they happened on my details would be going through the junk mail that would have been in the post box. So I take it if I dont have a contract with either the water company or the owner (as I was "working" for them). I should fight the case? Can I demanad to see the bills and ask where they got my details? Or should I just leave it and wait until I receive the court details? Thanks again
  2. Hi, I have recently received a number of letters from a debt collection agency, and now one from their solicitors, about a water biil. Back in 2008, I was asked to babysit a building site for a friends, friend. I lived in the site caravan and let contractors and potential buyers in to the site on weekends and during the evening. I was asked to keep people out, which I did. I am now being asked to pay almost £700 for the year I carried out these duties in water rates. I have asked the debt agency for proof of the bill. I have also told them I was not resposnsible for the building site, but they are just increasing the amount owed and threatening with a CCJ. Where do I stand as I dont have any bills, I have never signed any contract and certainly dont have the money to pay for someone else's house build! Unfortunately I also dont have the details of the owners of the house which sold according to the internet for £3 million. Thanks for any advice
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