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Everything posted by shamone21

  1. On a separate note, it was Nationwide who I recently defaulted with. This was because a change in financial circumstances meant that I had to reduce my payments through the DMP. They also said they were going to transfer to KPR DCA however in the end they didn't. If they are continuing to accept my payments why have they defaulted the account?
  2. thanks for the response. So would having defaults marked as settled/satisfied within the last 3 years effect a mortgage application in the eyes of most lenders?
  3. Hello, I am almost in the position to start approaching my creditors to give Full and Final settlement offers however I would like a bit of advice first. I am looking to get a mortgage within the next 2 years and want to get myself in the best position possible to apply. I will have money available from family to clear the debts however the majority will come from my local credit union, I have already discussed this with them. I am currently on a DMP with StepChange and one of my creditors has only just defaulted my account so the 6 year clock has only just started ticking.... I have read on this forum that its unlikely I will ever be able to have the defaults removed with the CRA's however I am going to try. Has anybody ever had defaults removed as part of F&F settlement negotiations? I have seen some F&F settlement letters on this forum with default removal as one of the conditions. I am aware that a settled default is not much better in the eyes of mortgage lenders than an unsettled default. Also, I am not sure if I should use Step Change's free F&F settlement service or go alone using templates here. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Many Thanks
  4. I have registered with my local credit union but I have only been able to save a small amount so far, I have been open and honest with them explaining exactly what I want to do. I am still waiting for a response.
  5. Hello, I currently have several debts which I am currently paying back through a DMP with Stepchange, obviously because of this my credit rating is poor and therefore I will not be able to get a loan through normal channels so I am going to consider credit unions. If I was to clear the debts I would have around £1000pm available to pay of a consolidation loan, I would also hopefully be able to reduce what I owe by offering Full and Final settlements. I will need around 14k to clear all my debts. I want to do this so that I can start to rebuild my credit rating and simplify my debts however is it likely that a credit union would consider me?
  6. yeh I have checked noddle and its still on there, the last few months showing as "account has defaulted" which is frustrating as I haven't been able to pay them! I will send a SAR (thanks for the attached template) but I will give them a phone first tomorrow.
  7. By SAR do you mean a subject access request? I will look at doing this, will this help to show exactly who now owns the debt? I missed a payment on my DMP (due to car failing its MOT), not long after I received the statement showing the debt has been written off so I am presuming this is why they sold it (if they actually have sold it).
  8. Hello, I had a loan with Santander which I included on a debt management plan I entered nearly a year ago now. Several months ago I had a statement through from Santander showing that I no longer owe anything and the debt has been written off. I presumed that my debt had been sold, after phoning them up this was confirmed. However to date I have not heard anything from Santander or any internal/external DCA. It clearly stated on the statement that the debt has been written off and there was no mention of a collection agency managing the debt going forward. I am no longer making any payments as part of my DMP as Stepchange have removed the debt. How long does it take for a debt to be sold or transferred? From what I have seen before this is usually pretty quick? I would like to know if I still owe the money so I can continue paying it back or make a F&F offer. Any advice as always is greatly appreciated! Cheers
  9. OP have you got an update relating to your progress with Minicredit? I am in a very similar position and have also been accused of fraud. I actually applied for the loan a few months ago and its only recently that my bank has reversed the funds hence the angry letter from Minicredit. Does anybody have a contact e-mail for Minicredit other than the standard ones which give template responses. Someone has mentioned an e-mail address for a specific Minicredit employee (I think head of collections), for the life of me I can't remember where I saw it!
  10. Hello, I requested that my bank blocked/reversed a payment I made to Minicredit with reference to a payday loan, I requested this because I was unable to pay the loan and I wanted the debt incorporated into my DMP with Stepchange. Barclay's at the time refused, claiming that I never requested this before payment date and the payment had already gone through, this was a lie because I did in writing. A couple of months down the line Barclay's have now out of the blue reversed the payment, Minicredit are obviously not happy and have sent me a letter accusing me of fraud and threatening legal action! I have just e-mailed them explaining why Barclay's have done what they have done. I have told them that I will now continue with adding the debt to my DMP as originally planned. Stepchange reduced my payments to other creditors when Barclay's refused to reverse the payment so that I could afford my monthly expenses, this could be addressed if Barclay's were to ever reverse the payment. Has anybody had experience with Minicredit accusing people of so called fraud? And has anybody had any luck with actually getting a Minicredit debt added to a DMP? As always sound advice is appreciated! Cheers
  11. I am now in the same situation, I have been in contact with John and Engaged solutions who offered the option to repay just the original loan amount over a period. Obviously there is a link as they too had details of my poundaccess account including security questions/answers and address details etc.. I have not heard anything from poundaccess or any other 3rd party. I am obviously tempted to just clear this debt, preferably just the loan amount, however who's responsibility is it to layout the proper route for repayment? I have not heard from any liquidators.
  12. apologies to all for not reading the forum properly prior to posting! I have seen the thread relating to poundaccess going into liquidation. Where do I stand with my loan? Will I have to wait to be contacted by the liquidator?
  13. Hello, I recently took out a payday loan with poundaccess (wish I didn't now), I would like to speak to them regarding setting up a payment plan however I am finding it impossible to get a response from them. I have sent numerous e-mails over the last week with payment proposals however I have had no response. I have also tried phoning them however it goes through to answerphone after a short while due to "high call volume". Their site has also been down for several weeks now apparently due to maintenance. Is anybody else in the process of dealing with poundaccess and have they had any luck contacting them recently? Cheers
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