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Everything posted by Jmulv

  1. Jmulv


    Wouldn't risk it, They can just sanction you and say to JSA you didn't turn up and they told you too. It's so easy for them to do.
  2. Jmulv


    I checked entitleto.co.uk and typed in all the info it seems I could earn up to 80 a week without it cutting into HB/CTB, if I earn more they just remove HB proportional the extra amount you earn. So basically if I'm needed to do extra hours seems I can do them that week and just tell council I earnt more that week and they pay me less that week I guess in HB. It's pain to sort out but I'd rather do it than continue to live in fear of starving to death. Had enough of the WP now.
  3. Jmulv


    If I can earn my keep in terms of JSA and still claim HB / CTB then I'd rather least do something and feed myself from doing it than continue a gap on my C.V I'm tired of ingeus and living in fear of being sanctioned due to their idiocy (see earlier in thread not sending me letters about appts). Reason I ask is because a friend may able to find me some work part time that'd pay between 70-80 week which is basically JSA so If I earn that I can surely sign off and still claim HB? To me it's better than nothing.
  4. Jmulv


    Thanks for advice, Also anyone know how part time work effects your benefits? I'd like to ideally earn JSA at 71 pound a week and not claim JSA and thus not have to attend ingeus anymore (I don't trust them with CV's and the like). I'm sure I could easily find some part time work it's full time that's problem, but loads of part time around and unskilled / easy to do. I just don't want to be worse off if I work part time. Anyone got any info?
  5. Cause she probably let them in and they found her in possession of an aerial I would love to know exact details of this case, they have no powers to enter your property unless you let them. I researched all of this in detail. Also detector "vans" don't exist. They knock on your door and you can just refuse them entry or not say anything at all. Most of it is based on fear tactics.
  6. Jmulv


    I didn't consent anyway. I think they asked u to sign form for that don't they? I didn't sign anything
  7. To people on about TV licence, when I was forced onto JSA I just decided screw them and stopped paying it, they send threatening letters and haven't done anything to me. They may knock on ur door apparently in rare cases but all you have to do is say "sorry not interested don't buy from door" and close it on them. Nothing they can do. Haven't had TV licence in nearly 2 years.
  8. Jmulv


    To be fair I don't really care about them having my CV if they want to discuss it look over it....... HOWEVER, sending it to crappy jobs to force me into something I don't want to do? well nah I don't want that happening...
  9. Jmulv


    My advisor asked me to email him a CV, I haven't had an ingeus appt in months cause they forgot about me but seems it's swung back round and they want a piece of me. I sent him C.V's before when doing rewrites of my CV and such. But now down line I don't really want them having that kind of stuff to potentially send to employers on my behalf. Thinking about it now down the line. I havn't signed any of their documents they presented me with only gave them misc details about my benefit / name etc. I knew not to sign anything and instead of challenging advisor I just brushed it off and he forgot about it. What should I do? I've not really kicked up any fuss and always very intelligently remained diplomatic just avoiding stuff I didn't want to do. I just don't want my C.V sent around forcing me into some duff job that I don't want. I may email him and pretend it didn't send and just keep using aversion tactics.
  10. Jmulv


    Yeah that is the completely logical way any normal person looks at it, however I worry JSA turn around and say oh your word against theirs! and I think what the hell?....
  11. Hi guys Simple question really, when on JSA is it possible to get bills reduced? I've heard of people doing it i.e. getting money off their water bills for example. I'm 25 single fyi no kids anything like that live in shared accommodation. Does anybody have any info about this? I live up north.
  12. Jmulv


    Ingeus at it again, I had a phonecall from my advisor a month back saying he'll arrange an appt for me and send me a letter (voicemail on my phone) they did this last time so I was like ok just carried on with my day. However this time they didn't send any letter, I then get a phonecall other week advisor saying I missed my appt, he didn't mention sanction or mentioning it to Job center just kind of said seems you missed your appt i'll arrange another and send a letter. (Maybe he was aware he forget to send damned thing.) I've got my JSA appt tomorrow and I'm worried I may end up sanctioned for this, anybody got any advice? I have no idea how they can just sanction people for ingeus being morons. I genuinely got no letter through the post detailing my appt date / time. As I said they sent it out last time but this time nope...
  13. Hi, Is that definitely true? any links or anyone can back that up? seems absurd to say you can just get lumped with a random bill when you didn't agree to anything or they have no details what so ever about you.
  14. Hi, Unsure, I just don't want EDF trying to stick the bill onto me if I do phone if they have nothing on me. People do say energy companies will try to chase anyone they can for monies owed.
  15. Hi, Thanks it's a confusing situation, I just want to make sure I'm not liable if I choose not to pay it. Even if I somehow liable and EDF chase me I will refuse it.
  16. Hi, I'll try keep this short but would really appreciate advice where I stand! I was living in a 3 bedroom house for around 6 months with 2 others, Person A and Person B. Person A set up the electricity bills with EDF in his name with all Direct Debit info. EDF knew nothing about me or other tenant and Person A didn't really know any info about me aside my name. I moved out after 6 months of paying my share of bills to person A as did Person B. I moved out due to disagreements with Person A etc so thought it'd be best if I moved out. This was in January and all bills were paid up till then. Fast forward to today, I get a letter forwarded to me from Person B (Who is still friendly with me) it's an EDF bill with my name on saying I owe 200 pounds for last 3 months of electricity/gas. Bill says from January to march and I've got to pay by April 03. What Person A has obviously done is just claim he's moved out and closed his account with EDF then told them my name and said oh he's still living there and they seem to have just automatically set up an account with my name on and no information about me?! how is that even possible? surely if you can just do that I could do it myself just ring energy company make up a name and say yeah they are still living there I was a housemate I've moved out so put the bills in their name and just continue to live there and use the energy ignoring bills addressed to this Joe blogs I made up? My question is will I be liable for this? I don't see how it can stand up, they have no information about me, I never set up an account with them all they have is my name and that's it no date of birth anything. I remember being forwarded a letter from Person B in January addressed to me that just said good news we're still supplying your house you just need to ring us and give us meter readings your name and a few details to set up your new account. The letter had my name on and an account number on it but I didn't set up anything and didn't think anything of it. Obviously person A didn't set up the account or follow up on that letter as he never saw it. If you can just go changing names without consent of people or setting up new accounts what is to stop me ringing up about this letter and claiming I'm him changing the name on bill to his. where do I stand here? If it's confusing at all please let me know and I can try edit my post! Or he just changed the bill into my name randomly and I was not informed of anything like that happening.
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