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  1. Hi and thank you for that. I will of cours infrom you all of fos's decision. I still hope because the bank popsted those 4 inportent letter's to my wifes old address they may decide in my favor. TYime will tell. Thank you all again and Best Regards. Paul.
  2. Hi Every one! Wow, a lot as been going on here. Well you were all right about with all the advice you have geven me. Barclays have teken that last £22 pound they say I owe them. I phond fos and they foged me off with a phone number to step charity saying they would give me advice. Forget it, they was no help at all. I also took your advive and phoned Department Of Works And Pension and they told me there is nothing they can do. So, so far I'm told by fos I have to wait 12 week's for them to make a decision. It seems we are the only one's that know are right's! lol I am about to writ it all off as a los and try to keep strait with the Bank again. Thank's again to everyone here. Best Regards. Paul.
  3. There is a reason I keep going on about this missing letter. Initially when I first contacted fos and made a complaint about Barclays Bank Reserve charges, fos must have phoned Barclays and told them about my complaint because someone from Barclays then phoned me saying because they had written to me and told me about this Reserve, they would not make any refunds. That was the excuse they gave me for not paying me anything. I never got this letter. And as I have said, 3 other letters went missing as well. They must have been posted to our old address in the midlands Oct or Nov last year 2012. That’s when my wife and I opened my wife’s old account as a joint account. So therefore none of the above would be my fault. I have tried to explain this a little more clear and I hope you all finely understand what it is I’m trying to explain to you all. The letter I did post will I hope do the job. Fos would have got that letter today. Phew! lol
  4. explaining complex situations in writing is hard for me to do. I have to Google almost every word I write and it takes time. It's this disleksia I have. Slick132 is right though. So, here is my copy of my latter posted to fos yesterday. Ref: 13732567REF Date. 8 Apr 2013 Dear Sir or Madam, "Barclays refuse to refund the fees they've taken and they've said they are now going to take more. As a result, they are taking money that's intended to pay my rent. I have told the bank about this with a letter of appropriation but they refuse to take any notice. I want you to sort this today by telling the bank to stop charging these fees and taking my housing benefit and other benefits money. If I can't pay my rent, I will lose my home. I also need Barclays to refund the charges they have previously taken, while I was in clear Financial Difficulty. The bank must treat me fairly according to the BCOBS regulations and the FOS should ensure Barclays don't hide from their obligations." The letter that Suzanne Hall, customer relations advisor refers too is a latter sent out to me Oct 2012 of confirmation of a Reserve facility of £150 that was offered and was given the opportunity to opt out is the latter I nothing about and must have been posted to my wife's old address along with our first Bank Statement, her new debit Card and new pin number, so therefore we could not have known about Barclays Reserve Fee's. Yours truly and with Best Regards. It's just somthing that slick132 said to me on the 3 April and it just maid a lot of sence. The should have that to day and with any hope, act on it strate away.
  5. This did not happen years back. It was only last October 2012 when we informed Barclays of my wife changes. The account had been dormant for a very long time. I'm sorry I should have said. I am the one that is having our rent and Pension paid into this account. I am the one that was not told about this Reserve! Barclay's was given our new address October 2012 last year. The letter that [name edited], customer relations adviser refers too was posted out to the wrong address October 2012, last year. Along with our first Bank statement, my wife's new debit card and her new pin number. Would this make any difference? I phoned fos and they just told me to complete the forms and return them. That,s it. As soon has my phone is back on I will be phoning the [name edited], customer relations adviser and giving her my new information in the hope, she will re-consider her decision and pay me what I am owed. Best Regards. Paul.
  6. Hi to everyone. Onces again you have all been very helpful. Thank you. BT have now cut off my internet so I am at my Sisters house using her's. The council who pay part of our rent for were we live needed a Bank account to pay are rent into, and also have my Pension Credit paid into, so remembering my wife’s old account with Barclays Bank we approached Barclays Bank here in Aberystwyth and spoke to [name edited] a Personal Banker. We provided proof of our Marriage and the change of my wife sir name and proof of are new address and had my wife old account changed accordingly. Then Late last night my wife remembered in all the years she banked with Barclays Bank it never had a reserve in places or did it ever have an over draft. My wife and myself are not in a passion to be given credit from our Bank and so we did not won’t or ask for it. We did not give permission to the Personal Banker to change conditions of our account or was we told about the reserve that had been imposed up on it. So how did we end up with a Barclay's Reserve? The letter that [name edited], customer relations advisor refers too is a latter sent out to me, of confirmation of a Reserve facility of £150 that was offered and was given the opportunity to opt out is the latter I don’t remember seeing. More over, it may have been posted and lost along with our first Bank statement that was accidentally posted to our old address at 29 old address. Or was simply lost in the post, ether way it did not reach it’s intended destination. Also two other letters went missing addressed to my wife. One containing her new debit card the other containing her new pin number. So how could I have known about this new Reserve of £150 pound? I will be writing letters to both [name edited], customer relations adviser and the Financial Ombudsman Service informing them of our new evidence. Strait away. Best Regards. to you all. And thanks again.
  7. Hi slick132. Going to look into BCOBS today. Wish me luck! Lol Got the latter from Barclays to day. I thought I might writ a copy of it onto this web page but I think it would take me too long to-do, it’s a long letter. With it I got a leaflet explaining how to contact the Financial Ombudsman. Nothing Elsa. I wonder why? Basically the latter is just saying they did not agree with my complaint and that all the fees were valid and applied correctly to my account and for this reason they cannot uphold my complaint. Looking through the letter from their point of view it looks correct. The first time I used the reserve facility was on the 22 Nov 2012 when a Direct Debit payment was made to SKY this automatically incurred a fee of £22 pound Then, the following month I had insufficient funds to pay my rent of £575 and incurred anther reserve fee of £22. Now, from my point of view, that’s £44 pound ether taken from my pension or the rent check from the council. And that’s £44 pound I cant use for my next direct debit. Can you see where this is going? More and more debt! They also say I was informed in writing about the reserve of £150. One thing about this is, I did not understand what a reserve was. I had never herd of it before. Also I do not remember seeing the latter. I also phoned the Financial Ombudsman Service and told them I was not happy with Barclays decision and that Barclays nothing but total disregard for my latter of appropriation because they are still going to take from my account the last payment of £22 I still owe from using the reserve. That will be taken from the £207 pound we have struggled to put together for our rent. Basically the Ombudsman told me to fill out the form they posted me and send it back to them. I would like to have some good solid advice on where would I stand by taking this further? Best Regards. Paul. PS just found out my phone don’t work, it’s been cut off, don’t know how much longer I will have internet for.
  8. Hi Slick132 and thank you for your reply. No, Barclays did not tell me what fos had said to them. But the lady on the phone did say I had just over £200 pound in my account, I think she may have saw that as not an urgent need to pay money back into my account. I did explain to her that we had struggled to put that money together for the shortfall in are rent. She also told me they were still going to take the £22 from my account that they say I still owe them for using the reserve. And that’s after me handing in my letter of Appropriation. I will phone FOS again tomorrow. I have just looked at that link BCOBS and this is a lot for me to think about and understand. I need to read a lot by the looks of it. Lol A lot to read too! I did get some very good news today, from sky TV. Has you all know I had to cancel last months direct debt for sky tv because we needed to try to make up are next month rent. Well, we did phone sky at that time to explain to them why we had to cancel and about the Bank charges we had to pay Barclays Bank. So today they just phoned and said they had written of the £41 pound we owed them and switched are sky box back on again! How about that then? Best Regards. Paul.cominscoch
  9. Hi to everyone. Bad news I’m afraid, Just had a phone call from Barclays Bank saying they did receive a letter from the Financial Ombudsman and do not agree with my complaint saying if they had not used my reserve to pay my direct debit, I would have been charged by my creditors and my land lord would not have been paid his rent. I explained to them if I had not been chard £178 pound in Bank Charge’s, all my creditors would have been paid by now. Again I explained they are not allowed to use rent paid into my account by Ceredigion County Council to pay off Bank Charge’s only to be told “yes we can” 1: Let us not forget that in the first please I was not told about this reserve. 2: Without the reserve, I would have only been charged £8 pound. 3: Not knowing about this reserve when my wife ask for a mini statement and looked as if there was more than £200 pound in the account, and “not” told that included the reserve is an accident waiting to happen. It’s a trap! Whats the next move now? I am just waiting for their decision in writing now. Best Regards. Paul.cominscoch
  10. Hi to every one. You have all been very helpful. Thank you. Hopfully when my wife gos to the Bank next Monday, we will have some good new's. I'll soon let you all know the outcome! Best Regards. paul.cominscoch PS That if BT hove not cut me off!
  11. Hi everyone! Thank you all for helping me. Right, so far. phoned Financial Ombudsman this morning. They sent an email to Barclays Banks complaints department and the Financial Ombudsman say they will post me some forms to fill out. When will it ever end? lol Best regards. paul.cominscoch
  12. Hi Andy. And thank you. No I don't owe any money to Barclays Bank now. They have taken the last £22 pound they say we owe them leaving us with just £99 pound in the Bank. And that was after my wife taking money out for our weekly housekeeping. Ceredigion County Council are paying 2 weeks rent into our account on Monday the 15 of April and also we get paid on the same day. So I have moved the standing oder for my landlords rent from Sunday the 14 of April to Monday the 15. That might give us enough time between now and then to make up the short fall with our rent. I will phone fos on 0800 023 4567 to day and tell them what as bean happening with our Bank. And I will keep looking for another Bank. But there is only one Bank left in Aberwstwyth I can try. Thanks again and Best Regards. paul.cominscoch
  13. Wh have tryed Andy and so far it's not worked.
  14. Hi Andy. And thank you. I cannot open a new account, we have tryed. My wife and I have debt relief order's on us because of what nationwide was doing to my account there! What is rely funny about all this, I had to go bank robbed with Barclays Bank 12 years ago because of what they was doing with my account there! Like I have said previously, the Council can only pay rent into a bank account and so, we had to have a Bank account to do that with. Well, my wife had opend a Barclays Bank account some years ago befor we were Married under her old name. So thats the account we use now. It was changed into a joint account and we gave them proof of my wife changed sir name. And that's how I ended up Back with Barclays Bank Again! I Cannot alow this to go on! I have got to find a way to keep this Bank in good oder or I'll end up in a right old mess again! All this stuff about Banks taking money from them on benerfits most stop! Why cant our government do somthing?
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