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Everything posted by borobird

  1. Hi everyone To cut a long stort im married with 4 kids all under 8 and my husband is seriously disabled and iv been with perfect homes for just over 4 years . The first thing i brought from them was a 2 ,3 seater sofas . The 3 seater started too sag so i telephoned them they sent someone out and said it was a fault and cost to much to repair so they offerd me a replacement which was reverbished in the mean time i found this site and seen that i too was paying coverplus so i started writing to them saying i want my money back but they just keep refuseing . Now they have finally given me my replacement sofas ( which iv finshed paying) and they not the same sofas i had . I got in touch with them and they're saying they are the same . I sat on them sofas for 4 years i think i would if they were the same and now everytime i meation this the cheeky so so saying that my sofas that they took away were dirty and disgusting to which there were not . The saying that under the sofas ( which were recliners and underneth were metal bars) were full of dirt they made me feel so small and dirty. back to the story the sofa i have now are full of stains they smaller and they dont feel like leather i cant get my money back and i dont have money to take them to court and they only so meny letters you can send them . Any help or advise would i would be very gratefull P.s sorry about spelling and ranting
  2. Hi I wrote them a letter from the template for ppi and in the letter it says something about banking code so they reply was they do not subcribe to the banking code and it was withdraw november the 1st.i dont have the faintist idea what that means or know anything about the banking code at all. So any help on how to reponsed to that would be very helpfull . Thanks
  3. Hi I took out my agreement in april 09 can I still mention the banking code
  4. Hi dx So even though it says in their contract the goods must be insured at all times and I did not have any home insurance at the time and it sates that the cover plus is a *warranty im still within my right to claim back my money . Im sorry if I sound like a parrot its because they making me feel a fool even the staff as they laughed at me on the phone when they telephoned me today (asking if i could go to the store to look at a reverbished one) saying its not insurance I took out but a warranty . I just dont know how to reply next do I write that " yes I know its a warranty but I was still mis sold it and im am entitled to a refund " or something else. I never felt so uneducated in all my life passing my driving test was easyer than this lol. Can anyone tell me what they mean when they letter states they did not subscribe to the banking code which was withdrawn in november 1st 2009
  5. hi perfect home just telephoned me and they now state that not only cant I claim the coverplus but the tad I was paying was taking off a few weeks into the agreement because when I took out a another agreement I took in my home insurance and they took it among themselves to take it off all my agreements without my say so they have no request from me in writing or other saying I didnt want it taking off so now in suck I don't know what to do now oh and your going to love this they insisting they want replace the sofa and the manager of the store admitted they just got a reverbished one in store today and I have to go there to see it and if I say yes then the upholsterer will cheak it over (thought it was reverbished ) the manager then comfirmed that the sofa is one they have just took back of a another customer so now they offering me some poor sole sofa (bet they didn't have a court order). so now I really don't know what to do as im not very clever when it comes to this stuff. Im sorry for doing different threads.
  6. Hi everyone I did a thread about a week ago called help . today i got a letter from them and it just makes me feel so dumb, idiot ,moron and a average joe from a housing esate that dont have schools. I write in response to your letters .youadvise that you wish to cancel all cover plus and would like a full refind . i have now had a chance to investigate the matter and have been unable to find an evidance to surrport your allegations that you were missold coverplus i note that the letter that you have used is one recommended on the internet for the use of reclaiming ppi .i must comfirm to you that coverplus is an extended warranty with separate finance agreement and is not associated insurance or ppi product.i must also point out tat we do not subscribe to the banking code ,which was witdrawn on 1st november 2009. i have been unable to find any evidance to justify any refund and i am happy that all paperwork was completed correctly and that the correct sales process has been followed we will therefore not be offering any reund of the premiums. may i also take this opportunity to comfirm that in line with your request ,all coverplus warranties have now been cancelled and any maintenance and repairs outside of the manufacturers warranty are now your responsibility and we will therefore be unable to assist you without making a charge. so if anyone has any idea what i should do next pleaseeeee let me know as i really hate this ripoffs thinking they have won . thanks ps also if anyone is with perfect home then you will know no one is willing to give the number for head office and its not on the contracts or website so if you want it I can post it on here but am not sure if that's allowed so let me know thanks.
  7. I know. I feel like kicking myself for being so stupid god knows how many other ppl have taken out the cover . THANKYOU everyone for this site as without it i would be still paying this cover and not know you can claim it back.
  8. one more thing he also told me that i finsh paying for the goods this week.
  9. hi thanks everyone for this site The store manager telephoned again about ahour ago he said if i cancel the cover and ask for all monies paid they cant replace the sofa so i give him the soga saying that it doent matter how old the goods are that there have to replace or fix them it is they legal duty hope i said the right thing .I also said to him that if my request for my refund of the cover is not meet that i will take them to small claims court I hope i got that right i dont want to sound dumb lol.he then said he willl contact his head office as area manager is away and that he will phone before 12 noon tomorrow.
  10. Hi I joined a few days ago I am with perfect homes at the moment and I have been with them for 4 years in april i have bought about 15 things from them some of them already paid off .when I first signed up with them it was for a sofa and got told that because i had no home insurance I must take out there cover which i did and iv also got some other things with cover on them .I did finally get round to getting some home insurance but was told I was not allowed to take off the cover I already had taken out. A few weeks ago my sofa started to sag on end and the shop sent someone out to take alook .They said it would cost to much to fix so there sent out a reverbished one which i turned down as it was not very nice.I have seen your site while dealing with this and put in writing i wanted my money back .They telephoned me today as they got the letter and they have said NO (i bet coz it is the thousands) and now wont even talk to me regurding this issue cant afford legal help and c.a.b and t.s dont know were I stand so can anyone please help me with some advice. thankyou
  11. Yes I got home insurance and pH know I have . when I first signed with them I just moved home and I got a leather sofa (as I have kids its easy to clean)and had no home insurance so they said I needed to take there's but over the last four years iv taken 15 more items ( just in case you need to know iv never missed a payment ) because I showed my home insurance I did take out the cover didn't know I could also stop one . Then over the last few moths one end of the sofa is sagging and it feels like your sitting on wood (maybe coz I am lol) so I asked them if they could sort it they sent a man round who said it would cost to much to repair. ph then said they stopped selling this type of sofa so now they want to give me a "reverbished "one which I don't really want they want to deliver today .
  12. Hi dx Thank you as it was driving me mad as everyone I speak to don't really know including cab and ts. IV been reading a few posts on here (which by the is very very helpful wish I found it sooner) can I get back the money iv already paid for this rip off insurance as iv only got a few weeks left on this item and iv been paying it for 4 years(I know iv been so stupid). Thanks for the post
  13. Hi I'm new so please forgive me if I'm doing this wrong. IV been with PH for 4years now and we had to make a claim of the cover .To cut a very long story short I got told that this cover is a type of insurance to which if you sell insurance you need a licence so I telephoned fsa and they stated that PH does not have any license to sell this insurance. They wanted more details so they could open a case . Could anyone let me know if this is true ? Thanks P.s they do have a license for selling hp.
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