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Everything posted by darrenbaskins

  1. If you wanted to go to your MP and complain, a petition would be a good idea, there some good peition websites on the internet to sign up to. I know enough people who have a bad expeiences with wonga who would happily sign one.
  2. As close friend of mine asked me to seek advice on this forum for him here goes. He recently took a payday loan with a lender called quickquid. He failed to pay the debt back and the interest heaped up. After several attempt of trying to get the money of him quickquid sold the debt onto a debt collection agency. Im not 100% of their name but can find out if its important. I imagine there the same as the rest. They've been harassing him everyday now for the last couple of weeks and he isn't sure what legal right this company has. Are they allowed to keep pestering him and can they turn up at his property?. I'm pretty sure they need to go to court to be able to enter his property but arent 100% sure. Looking for some good advice here (PS he knows hes and idot, i've told him enough times!)
  3. I doubt they failed the police exam, do you know how hard it is to even get that far, too many applicants. Just glorified bouncers at the end of the day
  4. I understand where hes coming from, but 6 children have just died, its kind of sick. Weve just had bedroom tax, what is he going to cut next?
  5. Hardly Kidnap is it, my adivce, show the receipt next time and avoid running into the big security guards. Was this an april fools?
  6. If you damage the property then You'll have to pay for it id imagine. Although it may have been difficult to move the furniture in, its doesnt give anyone an exscuse to damage the property even by mistake. The fact hes your boss just throws another spanner in the works. Speak to him first he might be quite passive about the situation as you are an employee (hopefully a good one!)
  7. Id be straight on the phone to the police and the person you bought it off. This could be a very serious form of fraud
  8. The next person working on the call probably didnt know this. You should of asked them to check there notes to see if any previous rep had agreed to this and left it on the system. Data protection can be a pian in the butt sometimes and can sometimes hinder common sense.
  9. You can buy out of the contract, it is usally quite a bit cheaper than how much you have left to pay, but its not always ideall
  10. I doubt the call center was in India, A large proportion of people working in UK call centers are Indian ( I used to work in one). This is the perception amongst lots of people, I overheard many humorous conversations back in the day. In future if your not sure whats going on just ask to speak to their supervisor. Glad to here the you got your bill down, Ive askerd for a calculated bill rather than estimate bill in the past and regretted it rather alot!
  11. She seems liek a saint compared with ian duncan smith at the moment, good timing.
  12. My much younger brother in law suffers from autism, Its quite low level, but he loves nothing more than destroying things. We genuinely keep him occupied by letting him break things and seeing if he can put them back together again. Im sure he was the first person I know who could rewire a plug at the age of 5(not live) I would add. Try and find a hobby she really enjoys which will really take her mind of things and keep her angrer fits at bay. Its easier said than done, but im sure thers something out there.
  13. I always find it better to send a letter, tends to get more action done. Social media is also a good way to get attention. If they have a fb page you could possibly go on there and leave a complain for eveyone to see, Ive done this with two well known supermarkets and they soon sort out the situation.
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