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  1. Ok - so how do I find out if the parking charge notice I have received is "legal, enforceable or valid"?
  2. Ok - According to the Protection of Fredoms Act, it "seems" that APCOA have a right to determine who is the owner of the registered vehicle that was parked outside bays in a private land car park. I think this effectively means that APCOA can charge the registered owner even if they weren't the person driving the car. The actual person driving the car enters a "Contract" by parking in the private land carpark which will effectively be passed on to the registered owner. This seems to be a fairly recent bill that the govenment has passed, so I'm wondering if this does affect my circumstances at all and if I SHOULD pay the charge. Is there anyone legal here that knows the answer to this?
  3. Ok - thanks for your thoughts - from a legal perspective, does anyone know where I stand without adding the emotions into the case?
  4. Thanks for the reply - how sure are you that they can do nothing? Is this a legal loop hole? I've seen threats with County Courts before, but not DVLA, is this a wording change to make people believe that they are for real now?
  5. Hi, I'm new to this group, so sorry if I have posted something incorrectly. I recently received a PARKING CONTRAVENTION CHARGE NOTICE from APCOA for 04-Not parked in a designated parking area. The carpark was full and I parked my car at the end of a line, where I was causing no obstruction whatsoever, there just happened to be no parking bay for my car. I also paid for my ticket. APCOA are requesting I either pay £50 in 14 days or £75 within 28 days else in the event of non-payment, APCOA will apply to the DVLA for registered vehicle keeper details to facilitate the recovery of this debt. I would like to know if anyone has any experience with this and what I actually should do, i.e. pay the ticket, challenge it on grounds of non-obstruction or simply ignore it (the later seems to be the best way to deal with it from reading other like questions) Can anyone help please - thanks?
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