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Everything posted by krsrejm06

  1. oh and for the record wether you have someone staying 1 night or 7 nights is completely irrelevant there is no limit - its if that person is contributing financially and if you are living together as a couple ( ie food shoppin together ,doing his washing etc )
  2. that sounds incrediblly unproffessional and damn right silly ! Allover a photo ? Did you get some legal advice? i had two IUC followed by a court summons so id defo just let a solicitor know where your at with it xx
  3. id go straight to a solicitor . Anything you say during a IUC will be used against you unfortunately . They only usually pull you in for a IUC if they have evidence . So if your claiing hB/CTB they will be looking into the fact for example your ex pays the mortgage & things like that . Chances are they have copies of all your utility bills , bank statements , insurance documents , with me they even approached my childs school asking who was on my emergency contact list ! Goodluck x
  4. hi I am going through similar atm . Firstly the amount wont get you a custodial/prison sentence . if you plead guilty the court will be a very simple case lasting perhaps 15-20 minutes its not scary its quite an informal room with 3 magistrates . As you paying it back that's good too ! Mitigation in a magistrates court isn't massively beneficial so make sure your solicitor is aware of the reasons and get any evidence to back it up asap . You will probably get a fine if your able to pay it , a short suspended sentence or a very small amount of unpaid work . My case was more financially and has been refered to the crown court Horrible situation to be in no point anyone lecturing you you will have already done it to yourself 100 times - goodluck.
  5. i got my court date through for magistrates out of the blue ( about 16 months after my last IUC ) it only gave me 2 weeks before my date to seek advice though x goodluck x
  6. Hiya obviously no one wants it published - i stand to lose my home , my husband his job & have to uproot my kids schools . Unfortunately the courts are open so anyone can sit in but when i asked solicitor he said its not dependant on who is in court anymore - when you go to court there is a list on the wall of what is heard in court that day with your name & who is prosecuting ( ie police/DWP etc ) the reporters go into court each day and copy the list then ring up later on for the sentances/outcomes of each case , its is public information there for the papers can do as they please with the info .My solicitor said a minor sentance may only get a few lines write up depends what else is in the news that day HTH
  7. quick update . solicitor spoke with probation service about having a talk with us , they said the case will be refered to crown court
  8. hi im no proffessional and cant help much but i have been through this even if for different circumstances . Be prepared during your IUC they will have already spoken to anyone they can find , they will have bank statements of all your accounts . If for any reason ( i am not accusing just warning ) your business partner had any other links to your address ( name on a bill / car insurance / name on a contact list at a school / named your address on any GP dentist insuranmce etc ) They will have copies !!! When i went to my IUC they let me talk first asked some questions . They had already spoken to my landlord , childs teacher etc so be prepared to be 100% honest and upfront - best of luck ,seeking legal advice is the best way IME x
  9. Saw CAB today been told we must consult a solicitor within 24 hours .There is no documentation on amounts but CAM estimate around £44000 CAB say they advise having the case put back until after baby is born but id much prefer it was over and done with . Also been told it will be havily published as benefit issues are huge news right now and journalists have access to all court reports regardless .For anyone else reading this we were also told to make sure our housing application is up to date as we will need to look at finding rehousing , they will assist my husband with benefits as and when he loses his job , they also refuse to take into account how much of the benefts you would of been entitled to anyway , Theres little advise available for how i handle it with regards my children . My eldesy is due to go into secondary education and my youngest primary ,moving looks very likely and thats the hardest thing knowing how badly my children maybe affected because of me - nothing less than i deserve so ill suck it up and be prepared to take any other action . Hope my thread maybe able to help someone else looking for advice
  10. the only letter i have is from DWP stating money i owe at £22000
  11. thank you ever so much , PP - nothing on court papers about how much but i found a letter from dwp from months ago stating i owe then £22000 which cant be right im sure unless dwp are retrieving over payment of tax credits and income support . Never had a letter from housing benefit / council tax people regarding what i owe :/
  12. hi pabrmu thanks for your help .I cant message you but briefly,, My situation was very complex initially the claim was honest i was dealing with a mass of family issues ( sick child being the main cause of the relationship break down ) my then partner came back briefly / stayed at his mums house his brother & sisters flat would come home for maybe 2 weeks at a time , we were still very much in love and wanting to work things out he coudll not get a bank account so left his wages to go into mine . We didnt inform everyone of our personal issues and didnt change car insurances over to is mums address as we always planned on sortng things out . we were in arrears with some house hold bills so the companies would not take his name off the accounts etc - all very messy . Some the evidence is a tad pathetic like the fact my partner didnt change his address at his GP surgery - not the first thing you do is it ? having 2 kids he came over 3-4 times a week if he was working nearby and stayed . Obviously the main issue is financially our finances remained together .In the initial IUC i didnt admit any guilt as i didnt feel id done anything wrong but after speaking to the housing benefit officer and looking through bank statements etc i said that i did access his wages so i admit that was not completely honest there were other factors one of which was the birth of another child we registered together . So yes i admit openly i was not as honest as i should of been . I would definitely fight some of the accussations but not being entitled to legal aid really is a massive issue I just want it over now its dragged on for quite a few years .Its only my children i worry about xxxxxI checked again through the prosecution papers and there is no figure of over payment just dates & the benefits involved .from what i worked out myself and from a letter from them ages ago ( they are now taking overpayment from me ) the housing & coucil tax amount is a lot -around £20000 i think then income support over about 37 months they claim :(tax credits havent been involved yet x
  13. I have wrote a letter for my GP outlining everything . Im going to go to the surgery and ask which GP is there who can possibly look at it for me -fingers crossed x
  14. yesi thought about the midwife only thing is im unsure she has access to my whole medical history , i see her a week tomorrow
  15. thanks i really wanted to see a GP who i feel i cant talk to but she is on A/L . They sai dthey cant et me an appointments until 3rd ( with a not so understanding gp !) will try ringing tomorrow see if there are any cancellations
  16. i have an appointment with CAB early next week still working on the GP appointment
  17. its very hard situation - they havent given me a figure im supposed to have obtained ? I imagine th eperiod of time they are saying will be thousands despite i probably would of been entitled to half anyway . My husband is being charged with counter fraud too will ring cab first thing and see what they say - i hope i get the chance to explain - thanks again people xx
  18. can i also say thank you to those who have PM me - i cant reply because im a new user - but im very grateful xxx
  19. thank you everyone . I spoke to an adviser at CAB she said you can write to the paper to ask them not to publish but often this makes them make it bigger ...... My local cab are ringing me to make an appointment . Id rather not postpone the case - id much rather get it over i just worry about the stress on my baby . My husband received the same envelope today ... he was also iuc in relation to my claim? So god knows what he is being charged with rang my GP because if easter they have no appointments at all untl after my case....... unsure what to do on that one i need to ring cab back to get an appointment but thought id best wait and see what my husbands letter is first
  20. Thank you Ruby Tuesday & Nystagmate think ill ring the CAB see if they can advise me over the phone as its a long way to travel then try get to speak to my GP
  21. thank you ever so much cornwallIrish for your advice i appreciate it greatly ! Will definitely speak to my husband when he gets home from work regarding speaking to his boss . I wonder if the CAB can advise me if i can submit my plea & information via writing ? Im unsure how i approach my GP with writing to say i cant attend i dont know if the court has to approach the GP ?I only have a short period of time to get things in place really and the pack doesnt hold that much information?
  22. im sorry i wasnt aware you had to be innocent or lie to post here ? Im more than aware what i did ( some 4/5 years ago !) and my husband and i pay our taxes like everyone else and he works 60+ hours a week to provide for us so dont worry you most definitely not be paying for my child or my children i currently have . We are not a couple who sit on our backsides claiming benefits ,nor are we living in housing assosciation houses given to us or being paid housing benefit or council tax benefits nore are we claiming any jobseekers , income support . I failed to report a change in circumstances due to a very complex private life which im not justifying - i was simply directed here for some advice not personal opinions but ill allow you that one if it makes you feel better .
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