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  1. Hi again all, Am currently on mobile but will see if I can get the docs uploaded when I get home. Thank you all for your help during this troubled time, it really does mean a great deal that there are still honest souls out there. Peterarebit
  2. Hi there, It turns out C&L can enforce the CCJ through High Court Enforcemement Officers. I went to the CAB however things have taken a turn for the worse and today Shergroup have turned up. C&L's letter says within the next 7 days I thought I had more time. to cut a long story short they've levied on my vehicle and I've had to enter into a repayment plan of £20 p/w with Sherforce to stop them taking the car. To be honest I am exhausted by the whole process and honestly wish I had just called them when I got the first letter. It looks like from the enforcement officer the CCJ was transferred to the High Court and the judgement was passed to C&L to enforce. Thanks for your help but it looks like it's too little too late and I'm best just dealing with the issue. The funny thing is when I last checked my credit file I'm sure there was no CCJ registered and I guess the Housing Assoc must have got this at the time of possession and not registered it. Speak soon, any advice is still welcome,
  3. Hi there, I'm fairly new CAG member (well I joined on the back of this recent issue as it happens) if this is posted in the wrong place please point me in the right direction and apologies in advance- tech savvy is not my middle name! I was with a housing assoc in London for a short while as I had to move down there with my wife while her mother was receiving treatment in hospital and we wanted to be nearer. According to the assoc we didn't end the tenancy correctly when we moved back to Wales and were left with an arrears of around £700. Due to these arrears as we did not address it they obtained a CCJ against me which I did not contest (from reading through CAG so far I know I should have in hindsight but it was a very stressful time) I heard nothing about it for a good year and a half so along with the fact we moved house a few times in this period thought it was more or less forgotten. We then however started receiving letters from The Corporate and Legal DCA which was unnerving but we thought like before it would go away after a while if not addressed, I know a few people who have had similar issues with other DCAs who have done the same and they gave up after no time at all. Things took an alarming turn however when me and the wife received a further letter 2 weeks ago from The Corporate Legal saying they had 'passed our account for high court enforcement with their agents Shergroup' I would love any feedback on whether this is an empty threat or if this is a reality we now need to deal with. Any help no matter how small (even if its just telling me I'm on the wrong thread ) will be much appreciated by me and my wife. Thanks in advance, Peterarebit
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