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  1. thanks that is a great help, do I still need to send off the forms to the court regarding setting aside the demand? basically telling them I have a dispute with the total amount?
  2. Yes, they are a pain and most of the trouble started when I tried claiming back the PPi on the loan, With regards to the debt, on my form / letter is states from BW LEgal that the client is Lowell Portfolio 1 ltd and the original creditor is welcome financial services ltd, who do I actually have to write to? BW Legal or one of the others?
  3. thank you for answerring my questions you have been a great help
  4. Its via a company called BWLEGAL but the debt was owed to a company called Welcome finance, its quite a large balance too, the original loan was to both myself and my wife then the loan was redone and made to my name only (mine was the only signiture on the loan documentation too). Another question, So if my mortgage is in both my wife and my name can this company force a sale of my house? sorry for the all the questions and yes i will seek legal advice tomorrow morning.
  5. Another question, as the letter etc is only directed to myself how does this effect my wife? do I include her wages etc in the income and expenditure? or just myself?
  6. Regarding the offer of repayment letter do I tell them about my CCJ and arrears? How do I go about the set aside and how effective is it, My biggest fear is losing my job over this as I have only just got back to work and I lost my previous job because of the hassle from the ccj.
  7. The CCJ is for another debt, I do have arrears for my mortgage but have a payment agreement with them in place with is making normal months payments and also paying towards the arrears, no equity in the house as the company for the ccj maxed that out by placing that debt against my property. The dispute was the PPI i asked for this and they told me that it would come off the total but the letter I recieved today includes the amount without the ppi taken off, yes its more than £750. No to six years either. What are my options, do I speak to this company and try to arrange a monthly payment? go bankrupt which i dont want or go through the courts?
  8. Hi, thanks for the reply , the company in question i have had no contact with for about 18 months maybe a bit longer, thats probably when the last payment was made too, between then and now I have been in and out of work and only just started a new job this January, this debt is for an unsecured loan. I have disputed this debt previously and also tried to claim back PPI which i was told they would take off the debt but looks like that has not actually happened. Do i to apply to the court referenced on the documention, also I already have a CCJ against me and also I have an existing mortgage what would happen to these? Most of the financial problems I have are a result of losing my job back in 2005, 8 years on and I am still catching up slowly. Thanks again for relying...
  9. Firstly apologies if I am in the wrong Forum, Earlier tonight I was issued with a letter stating that I have been served with a Statutory Demand , I have roughly browsed the web for the meaning of this and am not so sure when exactly it entails, please can someone explain and also advise the best cource of action that I should make. Thanks
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