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  1. I have on my credit file a defaulting ongoing account from lowells that they have started registering on my credit file since 2015. I contacted them in 2015 and asked who they were and they were very unhelpful. They could not tell me anything unless I gave them further personal information which I was not prepapred to do as they are already ruining my credit file. I have many other accounts which are all good but this is ruined my credit rating. it says the default date is 2011 but nothing is put on my file until 2015. its only for 280 which I would happily pay but it would still leave my credit rating in tatters as it looks like I have not paid a debt. It says it is for a credit card on my credit file but I seriously don't think I have any credit card debts. so confused
  2. ok that's awesome - I don't know what the right words for things are but I think I mean a strike out - is there a form for lodging an incidential application and can this be done at small claims x
  3. Dear Andy, you are a legend - I didn't have a clue what I was doing and couldn't afford legal advice and wont get legal aid and you helped me out cos now I at least know what I am asking for, Love Mrs Happy (well I a bit happier now anyways) just got a couple of legal points on the counterclaim. Mr Stalkerboy got charged again by the police for being an eejit but not sure if that is relevant for court x
  4. anyone know what it called in Scotland so I know what to ask the Sheriff for
  5. wow - advice on how to work a forum and legal advice - I sure have came to the right place - I will try and impress you with a smiley face in this reply - if Ida knew of the Scottish equivalent of that form I sure would be Mrs Happy cos I think I probably have enough now to make the judge think "holy cow" if I get a opportunity to present it to him - otherwise will need to prepare for a full proof just in case and its such a long story that makes me lose the will to live so be lots of work involved in it - I have a hearing in a few days to see what I want to do as the claim will be ordinary cause if I don't cap the amount to 3 to keep it small claims (guy done a lot of damage to things while stalking) as they told me that when they explained how dear legal repreresentation was. I hope Ida doesn't think im rude not coming back on for so long when she was going to try and help me because I am not to computer and she had said she would need more details to help so sorry Ida when you come along Whoo I am trying to put a smiley in here that probably doesn't fit with the text very well but it was a moving one and I found that quite cool - not sure if it will work or not as my first go x
  6. haha - at least I cant come away from the forum now saying I haven't been helped - just learning how to use a form and cant see a like button but at least now I know there is the potential to do special smiley faces - thank you for making me smile when I was getting all fed up with my legal situation xxx
  7. Hi Guys, sorry I not been back on - been busy trying to deal with all this. Idafife thanks for the question as its a very good one and a bit of a long story. I am slightly further forward. In a nutshell the guy is a mentalist and he has been stalking me for a while and now lodged a small claims summons on me to "get my attention". While stalking me he has done some damage etc which is what is in the counterclaim. I really don't want a counterclaim I want left alone and I told the Sheriff that but he says he will hear at full proof and has continued the action to allow me to get legal advice. Sadly I have checked and I cant get a solicitor for financial reasons. I am a bit further down the line now and yes the police are speaking to him frequently but he is very clever in the way he does things to me. I have quite a lengthy stalking diary now though and he has raised an almost identical small claims summons on my friend now. I have been reading on vexatious litigations and wondered how I could ask the sheriff how to strike it out - like is there a form to complete or something to ask the sheriff to look at it. I went to see solicitors and they said I needed an anti harassment order and the police say I need an interdict and it is important to get a power of arrest on it but they said it would be thousands of pounds and I don't have that. I just need to deal with what he is doing till he finally gets the jail or something cos he keeps doing this to women - meantime how do I raise a vexatious thingy in court. Can I ask the Sheriff to hear the cases together as he has now started lodging them on friends and he says he has another two he will be lodging as well (if I could do smiley faces I would do a witty sighing one here lol) x
  8. em - apologies for butting in but I was wondering if I would while we were on the subject of small claims in Scotland. I have a stalker who has issued me and some friends with small claims summons. The police area dealing with the criminal side and victim support but this is a civil matter so cant get help with this. What I want to know is where can I get a list showing all the times that this individual has done this to people as its happened a few times - can the sheriff clerk tell me - will the sheriff even be interested or will I have to go through a whole court case - bit scared - he has a solicitor and everything
  9. it was a small y claims and now the judge has continue it for legal advice as it may be a summary action because of the counterclaim - the case has been continued for a couple to give all parties a chance to get legal advice -
  10. thanks will contact the sheriff court on Monday - I knpw of a few cases he has raised in the past - can I ask the court to throw it out on the basis the guy is crazy as opposed to putting ina genine claim
  11. yes I have but what do I do about the civil action
  12. I have a bit of a problem - there has been someone stalking me and harassing me. They have now lodged a summons on me saying I owe them money. I don't. The person does this all the time. He pretends people owe him money when they cant get a reaction from anything else. As a result he has been in court a lot but I havnt before and am a beginner at all this. I know of a couple of times they have done this before but am sure its far more than what I know about from what I have heard and I have quite a few other woman also saying they are experiencing stalking or have by the same person. My question is this (1) how can I search and find out all the times this person has raised legal actions against people and (2) can I ask the judge to throw it out based on what I have said if I can prove it . Bit worried as I cant afford a solicitor and scared of courts and don't know how it all works. I wont get legal aid. Many thanks
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