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Everything posted by Vivi

  1. I thank you and others for the time and advice given to me, thank you!
  2. Clarification of my bank account, statements are not a problem. Reciepts from HA re rent payment are via internet - acknowledgements of payment recieved. Housing officers have never attended as I have never informed them of DV incidents or other. In fact he has phoned the housing organisation asking if he can remove me from the property (I feel he does this to unsettle me). They have none of this info and they have said yes (obviously).
  3. By the way I have no family alive, the police have asked me this in the past. so theres no one I can go to.
  4. Hi, the housing association are aware of my occuapancy and I have proof of time in the property as I have records of payment of rent. He recently asked for a form from the housing to put my name on the tenancy and all they requested was proof on utility bills with my name and this address from a year ago. Needless to say he has now refused for me to go on the tenancy. I have a number of incident numbers for DV with the police and have spoken to womens aid on two ocassions. what I really need to know is where I/we stand re going to the police, will I loose the roof over my head? everything I own is in this house.
  5. I have been living with an unemployed man for two years. He is in receipt of no benefits and I work paying all the bills etc. Because he has no income he started to grow drugs in the house and I believe he may be selling outside of the property. We are in social housing property and I am not on the rent book. He has promised to put me on and then withdraws his offer as a way of controling me. The police have come on a number of ocassions for domestic violence reasons. I have told him that I dont want this to continue and he blackmails me saying if I inform the police or housing we will both be out, I will be homeless because I am not on the rentbook. He said he will deny everything and say it is me growing the drugs. Three days ago it came to a head and I set out to the police station to make a statement in the early hours. I fell downstairs and broke my leg and am now at his 'mercy'. I want to do the right thing and report him but I am scared of being out on the streets. I pay all my bills on time will the housing look on me favourably under these circumsances and just remove him pending a police prosecution?
  6. Yes I emailed them earlier today to express my frustration at what happened. I offered to do some admin work whilst off. Fingers crossed jobs are hard to come by these days
  7. Hi, well they arent short of casual staff who would fill the position until I returned. I'm just worried that they will think goodness this woman has had two lengthy periods of time off within a few months. Your right about being straight up and asking if they are going to withdraw the contract. I suppose I was just hoping someone would tell me they couldnt withdraw a contract that has signatures, albeit there will be a later start than stated in the contract. I suppose being unable to start on the date given 'frustrates' the contract. Thanks for taking time to respond, much appreciated.
  8. Hi no the injury was at home, nothing to do with work
  9. Hi I work for a social care company. I have worked with them for 12 months as casual agency staff where I just took the hours they gave me, no work = no pay, no sick pay etc. In February my father died and I had to take care off his affairs, I was off work for 4 weeks. On my return to work they offered me a 6 month set term part time contract (classed as a probationary contract) which I have signed and the HR manager signed, this was due to start in a couple of week while I continued to work on the agency side. 2 days ago I fell at home and broke my ankle and am in plaster estimated to be off 6-8 weeks. I am not entitled to sick pay from work and presume I have to go down the DWP route, However, I am worried that they may see me as a liability and will want to withdraw the contract, sort of sack me before I start so to speak. Can anyone tell me the legalities of this please. Also I would be grateful for any info regarding sick pay entitlement from DWP and support for paying rent over the 6-8 week period. I am living with my unemployed partner who lost his JSA when I started work so I have been responsible for all household bills etc. Many thanks
  10. Many thanks for this, I believe if they had processed the application in a timely manner we wouldn't be in the position we are now
  11. Hi My partner was offered a place on a degree course as a mature student and made an application to the Student Loan Company. In spite of making the application long in advance, they lost his information asked for him to resend the info. He made a number of calls to enquire about how it was progressing and they made a number of excuses from not being able to find paperwork to a backlog of work slowing applications down. As a result my partner started on his course and was there around five weeks when he received a letter from the SLC saying he was not entitled to anything as he had received financing twenty years earlier. As a result he had to withdraw from the course and the university is doggedly chasing him for fees. He is unable to pay anything as he receives no income whatsoever as I am supporting us both on my part time earnings while he looks for work. He is not eligable for JSA. This has been explained to the University and although they are sympathetic they are still pushing for payment. Surely the fault lies with the SLC losing the paperwork and the time they took processing. Where does he stand legally as he has no assetts whatsoever. Any advice would be appreciated
  12. Thanks but I was hoping for some constructive advice re his financial standing etc. Hopefully someone else will respond to my query
  13. Hi My partner was offered a place on a degree course as a mature student and made an application to the Student Loan Company. In spite of making the application long in advance, they lost his information asked for him to resend the info. He made a number of calls to enquire about how it was progressing and they made a number of excuses from not being able to find paperwork to a backlog of work slowing applications down. As a result my partner started on his course and was there around five weeks when he received a letter from the SLC saying he was not entitled to anything as he had received financing twenty years earlier. As a result he had to withdraw from the course and the university is doggedly chasing him for fees. He is unable to pay anything as he receives no income whatsoever as I am supporting us both on my part time earnings while he looks for work. He is not eligable for JSA. This has been explained to the University and although they are sympathetic they are still pushing for payment. Surely the fault lies with the SLC losing the paperwork and the time they took processing. Where does he stand legally as he has no assetts whatsoever. Any advice would be appreciated
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