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  1. hey im asking on behalf of a friend that is been made to go on a work realted activy course, what is this course she is been made to go on? and will she be forced to look for work? because to me it seems to defeat the whole point of being on esa in the first place as shes unfit for work thanks in advance
  2. hey guys just a quick update on my situation with brighthouse, they are now saying that it will be passed on to asset recovery can anyone tell me what this actually is thank you
  3. yes they did and like i said left me with just over a pound! i bet they do it all the time and half the time get away with it!
  4. i know its disgusting to be honest, you think they would get it back into your account with a few hours
  5. it was tesco's system, what had happened was when the card was in the card reader i accidently knocked it whilst getting a bag, it said card removed to early so the woman on the till asked me to put it back in and try again, obviously the card had not been removed to early
  6. hey daniella yh i regular payment that goes in every thursday so with abit of luck they might arrange some kind of overdraft till then im going try calling them now see if i can get anywhere with them, thank you for your advice
  7. hey guys hope this is the right place to post this basically what has happened is i went to do my shopping in tesco yesterday day and gt charged £104 for £52 worth of shopping due to an apparent 'ghost payment', i only realised id been charged twice once id got home and looked at my online banking, so i contacted tesco to get the problem sorted and not only has it taken them just under 24 hours to phone me back about this they are now saying i have to wait 7 days before it the £52 will be put back into my bank, i wouldnt mind waiting that long if it was a couple of pounds they had over charged me but, they have left me with just over £1 pound in my account obviously i cant do without this money for 7 days as i have other bills to pay, do any of you guys know if theres anyway to get the money back quicker? thanks in advance
  8. hey yes iv got 3 items from them iv paid over 1/3 on 2 but not on the other and yes i have the got there silly service plan and insurance which i regret getting now but thats what not knowing that i didnt need them get you lol, its the item iv paid less than 1/3 im more worried about now
  9. as my account is in arrears at the moment as since that incident i have not paid because they have refused to accept anything if i was to go in an say im going to make my normal weekly payments what will this solve as my account would still b in areas with there late fees which i refuse to pay (I.E would they still proceed to get there items bk )
  10. iv tried on more than one occasion and they wont except it unless i pay the late fees as you can Imagen its like talking to a brick wall with them, they have already sent out one of there 'account manages' aka idiots i kinda feel its gone past the point of where i will get anywhere with them and the only option i have is to just ignore them and let them send out who ever they like because they wont get a answer from me and if they do i will do what iv been adviced me to do which is to ask them to leave or the police will be called
  11. well i was gullible and didnt fully understand my rights, when then above incident happend they spoke to me and my partner in such a disgusting way basically called us liars because i couldnt remember who id spoke to about it and then claimed they didnt have call records which when i went in a few days later to try and sort the matter all of a sudden appeared it was also very convienient they all of a sudden knew who id spoke to and apparently she had told me a date which my bill had to be paid, i will stand by what i told them which was that she never ever told me a date it needed to be paid for.
  12. yh theres more to it than that, what had happend is about 3 weeks ago now i rang them and asked if i could pay my bill the week after insted of that week they said to me yes that will be fine because i pay fortnightly payments normaly, anyway later on that week they rang me and said you own x amount in late fees, i said to them you told me id be ok to pay it next week, anyway to cut along story short they are basicly sayin if i dont pay the late fees they want there stuff back, iv paid late fees before wen i agree its my fault the payment was late but in this case its there fault because i was miss informed, iv even said to them i will happily pay the money i own but not the late fees but i cant get anywhere with them. hope you can understand my full winded explanation
  13. because they want there stuff back (iv paid over a 1/3)
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