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  1. all she seems to be doing is telling me to do stuff that i can do at home (which i do). a friend of mine that goes there is constantly switching between them... also... my contract with them is due to end in a few weeks... what will happen? will i be able to refuse to go there again?
  2. The last one made me laugh at the rate its going though, she will end up getting a response and she not like it... and knowing her she would probably try and sanction me for it are advisers suppose to change after 1 month because when i first went to ingeus i was told they do?
  3. im quite a shy person and dont like to be rude... or have arguments as ill just get p'ed off and walk... thats why i prefer to do all my complaints via email/letters... although i probably need to actually say it to her. thank you for your help btw
  4. i have told the jobcentre about her because she tried to sanction me because i failed to apply for 8 jobs in 3 days... they said to me that they will never sanction me for it as its completely unfair. my ingeus advisor said to me once that i am not making an effort to find work, yet about 7 jobcentre staff have said my job searching is perfectly fine and another ingeus advisor said the same... to be honest though, it seems like at the ingeus office i go to its the women that are ****s but since i have filed a complaint to ingeus and the jobcentre, what would happen if i walk out if i feel she is being a ****?
  5. Hello, recently my ingeus advisor has been very rude to me so i filed a complaint and it still continues. im on JSA, would i get sanctioned if i walk out of my appointment? she has been making me do impossible stuff too like, making me apply for 10 advertising jobs in a week that i have never applied for and she contacts them to make sure.
  6. True but she wants me to apply for stuff i cannot do
  7. hello, i have another question about ingeus... recently my adviser has told me it is mandatory for me to apply for 10 jobs that are hiring within my area ( i have looked there aint 10 ) she says i could get sanctioned for it... is this correct? also she is making me apply for jobs i cannot do... ( jobs that involve having a driving licence and a car ). she is making me do 100 spec letter per appointment and doing training courses that i have already completed while being there. what can i do about this? thank you in advance
  8. thank you for all the help... how would i remove my signature?
  9. im asking why A4E refuse you if you dont sign that paper?
  10. thank you... another question though... why are you not allowed to join A for E or whatever it is if you don't sign? + they are making me do stuff i cannot do... even one of the other advisers i spoke to there said it was stupid
  11. i was reading DWP Provider Guidance Chapter 5 Annex 1 and i dont exactly understand it... im told that if i withdraw my signature i will no longer need to go to ingeus? ( they are useless for me, they are constantly sending me on the same programs done 1 of them 3 times now, they are making me apply for jobs that i cannot do... they are putting me forward for jobs without informing me ). so is anyone able to explain this to me in a stupider way please? i would have provided a link to it but im not allowed...
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