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  1. Thanks for the advice i will read the attatchment and challenge the decision. will re post the outcome. Thanks again
  2. Thanks for the reply From the ppi questionaire. I was not advised on the main features of the policy, exclusions or limitations. I was not advised it was optional I was not asked if i had other means of protecting the morgage i was not asked if the policy was suitable for me. There reply was 1. there was a policy booklet, they were of the opinion that where it was practible the features of the policy were discussed at the point of sale. 2.they said it has never been a requirement to take out the insurance and it played no part in improving the morgage being granted 3. They had no alternative policies to consider offering me. The documentation that was supplied to me was sufficent for me to make an informed decision 4. I did not have any other appropriate means to pay my morgage, i had no pre existing medical conditions, i was not significantly affected by any of the exclusions or limitations associated with the policy. Thank You
  3. :?:Hi i am new to the forum. I recently had my claim for a ppi refund refused by the Halifax Building Society as it then was. My Claim was in relation to a morgage that ran from 1984 to 1999 for which i paid PPI insurance. Their assesment was "the policy was suitable for you" and they answered my points of complaint apart from the fact that i was unaware that it was not a fixed part of the morgage. :?:Is their any point in challenging their ruling, or am i wasting my time. Any advice would be welcome as i have never been involved in this kind of process
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