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  1. Hi guys, I'm new to this sort of stuff and unsure of what to do next with my current issue with paypal and Iqor. Any help is much appreciated. I sold a cricket bat online and received payment via paypal in the form of an e-cheque which I withdrew and spent as normal. I sent the cricket bat with a tracking number to the buyer and all seemed fine, until two months later (Oct 2012) I received an email saying the payment had been reversed to his bank account. So at this point I was £200 out of pocket, as well as a cricket bat. I rang paypal and said that it was fraudulent as I didn't authorise any payment to leave my account, and they told me that I didn't have to authorise it because the banks have that power. They just kept telling me I owed them £200 which I kept refusing to pay. I then queried their protection and they said that they don't protect any e-cheque payment to which I was rather angry at, even when I told them that this payment which was reversed was fraudulent as I had sold and sent an item to a buyer along with a tracking number. I then contacted action fraud and told them my situation and they gave me a crime reference number. I haven't heard anything back but they told me that nobody could collect any money from me whilst the case was open with a crime reference number. I then started receiving payment requests from Iqor a debt collection agency (in dec 2012) telling me that I need to pay the £200 even though I told them that it isn't my fault and I won't be paying because I have done nothing wrong. I told them I have a crime reference number and they went quiet for a few months until a week ago when started ringing daily in the early hours which Is starting to get too much. I know that it isn't a great deal of money but as a full time student I can't justify paying it, particularly when I know I haven't done anything wrong. Does anybody have any ideas to what I could do next? Thanks in advance
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