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  1. But i wasnt, he showed me the radar gun which still had the recorded speed shown on it and i accepted i was in the wrong
  2. I was deifinately offered it at the roadside, its a different form they fill in for the awareness course/points. I was caught in Norfolk but its not where im from i was down there as i had to visit a RAF base in the area. I had three friends in the car who were all in earshot of mine and the officers conversation.
  3. Hi all, hoping i may be able to get some help with my predicament, on December the 2nd i was caught doing 41mph in a 30mph limit by an officer with a radar gun at the side of the road, he stopped me and went through why he'd pulled me, i accepted i was in the wrong, i was then offered 3 points and a fine or a speed awareness course, i took the course and the officer took all my details filled out the correct form and told me i would receive all information in the post, well nothing came so i wasnt sure what would happen now but now 2 and a half months later i have received a fixed penalty notice for 3 points and a £60 fine which i think is a little unfair really, is this the normal procedure? or is something not right with this? Im not very familiar with this side of motoring law so im hoping someone could point me in the right direction. Thanks James.
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