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  1. Hello people, I made a mistake years ago in 2003 of taking loans from Welcome finance. I now am paying a secured loan which is refinanced two previous unsecured loans with them. My situation is I live overseas with my family a baby son and my wife, and i rent out my property to my cousin to pay my mortgage and my secured loan to welcome. I have no other debt. About two years ago i made a SAR letter to welcome and they sent me all the information regarding my secured loan account all my payments and all my charges and the interest and my missed payments also. Recently they have been phoning me (actually my mother who makes payments on my behalf) to tell me I have considerable arrears from many years ago and its in my benefit to clear them. The loan should be finished next year and I will have paid in the region of 20,000 to them. Also recently I received some inheritance which i hope to use to pay the remainder of the loan off. I have not claimed back PPI from any of the loans or any of the charges (Some of them are obviously spurious) I want to ask them for a full and final figure to settle the loan but I was wondering if there is any way I could bluff them into reducing or wiping out the loan entirely by saying I am prepared to settle but I want my final figure reduced by the amount of charges and the PPI from 3 loans. The reason I want to bluff them is because I don not spend very much time in the UK and I am not able to continually follow correspondence and my mother (bless her she helps me enough by dealing with these idiots) is not capable of dealing with the information without having a nervous breakdown and or getting angry about the wrong things. The other option I am thinking about is to actually pay a solicitor to sort them out because im sure it would actually be less than any figure that welcome would demand. If i did follow this route would there be a solicitor that would actually royally screw them and could any person recommend one. As normal I am pretty sure welcome have done some very shady things from simple things like the PPI to phoning me on a phone that was disconnected and charging me for it and then taking a payment over the phone and not actually putting the payment through until my payment date was passed to increase my arrears. In the last case I only have my mothers word against theirs. Any help or advice would be much appreciated I dont wish to just give them what they ask for I would like to preferably have them owe me money but again as im not in the country its hard to organise. Also any hints of a letter i could write to them explaining our mutual position Kind regards Richard edit:- I also forgot to add the charges for calls and letters and doorstep visits were 1009 pounds ( i have no pound sign on my keyboard) not including any interest The secured loan agreement was for 10 years at 369 pounds per month I dont have the origional documents to give the exact figure. The first PPI on each loan was as follows 310(pounds) the second 280 (pounds) and the final 1590 ( pounds) none of those are with interest. And i have been paying interest on those at welcomes levels.
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