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Everything posted by yasminora

  1. Thank you for that. I understand what you're saying but the reason I keep asking is because I've only just this week received the credit agreement and the recent letter so things are being dragged out by them. Sometimes I maybe haven't fully understood answers and so will ask again if I'm unsure. Jacamo are dragging it out and although people are saying ignore it etc and in the end they can do nothing, when they contact me saying different things it makes me anxious. I haven't sent off for the SAR and hope its ok to let you know here when I get it. Thank you again and sorry if I got upset over your reply.
  2. I'm unsure why you responded a few days ago with a really kind and helpful answer and now suddenly feel the need to become sarcastic and unneccessarily unkind on something you most certainly haven't been dealing with for 12 months as you've only replied once and that was a few days ago. It has gone on for 12 months because Jacamo has refused to stop the charges for 12 months. Had I known there was time limit here I wouldn't have posted. It's quite easy to ignore the thread if you're fed up with it. Simply don't click on it. I come here because people are so knowledgeable and kind. Obviously you're not one of them. I won't post again. Many thanks to DX, Brigadier and all others who have taken the time to help an anxious old woman I'm very grateful. x
  3. ty i'll hunt around and take a look
  4. but won't they one day take me to court? And when that day comes I could owe thousands.
  5. Haven't got back the SAR yet but did receive the following credit agreement today which i have attached and have never seen before. I've blocked out my name and account at the top but that is actually written in pen by someone at Jacamo. As you can see there is no signature by me at the bottom. Problem is there is a letter attached that says "Further to your recent letter the current outstanding balance on this accountis is £1801.14, the terms of repayment are £54 every 28 days. Interest charges are currently being charged at 2.84 pence in the pound (39.9% variable every 28 days). We have not issued any default notices or obtained any court orders in relation to this account. Please find enclosed a 'True Copy' of your credit agreement setting out the Terms and conditions to which you agreed when the account was opened, along with the current terms and conditions. We cannot hold this account or stop charges being added until a mutual agreement has been reached." The £500 charges on top of the original £1300 debt have been charged by them over the last 11 months which is how long i've been having problems for. So its going up £600 a year and they have told me they will not take me to court. I could end up owing tens of thousands by the end of this. Add that together with the other 2 and i'm going to be in big trouble I do keep trying to come to an agreement but their agreement means pay what they say not what i can afford. Thank you
  6. I won't speak to them again on the phone and will send off for the SAR and post back what it says as soon as it comes. Thank you again for the help.
  7. Hi, I'm sorry I haven't responded for months but have been in hospital and very unwell and just really really depressed for the last few months. I did speak with Jacamo when they telephoned. I wasn't going to but they got me so angry. I did say was sending £10 for theSAR and they said it wouldn't include charges etc and would just give a basic overview of information they have about me. Should I have sent it anyway? They also said I'd not given them the information requested so tough luck. I have given evidence of my higher care claim for DLA and my support group ESA claim but they want details of creditors and outgoings and my health problems including doctors letter which i won't give. I'm drowning in the debt now. Its now up to £1900 and they show no interest in stopping. In fact the man was quite open about the fact they don't take people to court and won't be stopping the charges etc. This is going to turn a £1300 debt into thousands and there's nothing I can do to stop the credit interest if they won't take me to court. This could go on for years and just rise at a rate of over £600 a year. Now that i'm feeling a bit better I did email them and offer yet again the £10 a month. My money now has been halved as my son turned 18. I have other creditors chasing me but at least they stopped the interest and passed it to a debt company. Jacamo won't even do that but keep adding and adding and adding. I did get given a credit agreement which is a typed out four page thing with my name typed in at the top and my name typed in the signature box with a box ticked. I don't ever remember doing that and I know I never signed one via mail either. Sorry again for not responding sooner but haven't been online in months. Is there nothing I can do to get the protection of the court from them without a CCJ? I don't want to go bankrupt and couldn't afford it anyway. I just can't see a way to make them stop the charges. Thank you for all the help.
  8. I am trying to be more pro-active. Its very hard for me though. It doesn't matter what i do or say they are demanding evidence of DLA and ESA and although now seem to be backing down from the mental health form are demanding i fill in the financial statement in which they want not only information on all money in and out down to what i spend on groceries but also my childrens details. I am going to chase up the SAR but the rest of it is neverending. I could send evidence of DLA and ESA as long as i blank out any personal info I guess but telling a catalogue what i spend on clothes and food and who my other creditors and what i owe them etc feels wrong. Everyone here is saying i don't have to send my DLA letter or fill in the financial statement so I won't. Just not sure what to write back to them now as have sent all letters contained in this thread and its made no difference. Thanks everyone.
  9. Hi, no i haven't had SAR data back and will chase that. Thank you for the rest will just send evidence of dla and esa and then if they still don't agree will have no further contact until court.
  10. Hi, have just been sent another financial statement. It is more detailed and wants to know all outgoings and incomings. It also wants to know full details of my dependants and I am absolutely not giving names and details of my children. Isn't this the sort of detailed form that a court generally asks for (without the child info)? This has dragged on for so long now. They want me to send that form and to resend evidence of DLA and ESA. It is now in the hands of 'Margaret Gwyther' who is the senior complaints officer. They make mention of my refusal to send any details re my health by saying: "It is our policy to request the completion of a DMHEF form (in accordance with the MALG guidelines) and we request that customers send it to us along with a copy of our customers up to date financial statement and confirmation of the change in circumstances i/e/ a recent copy of the benefits notification letter. We request that this be completed by a health or social care worker of our customers choice." I do realise I owe this money and other money to other companies, but i am so fed up with this. This has gone on for months and if a catalogue is acting in this way what chance to I have with others. I wondered if someone could also advise if people like Jacamo and other catalogues can send in bailiffs etc without first going through a county court and getting a judgement. At least with that i'd have some protection and the court would see what i could afford. However, Jacamo have made it pretty clear they do not take to court so does this mean they can do anything they like without going through this process? Thanks for any help
  11. Lol I love coming here. Great advice and help but with a huge grin at the same time lol Thanks guys.
  12. Thank you very much. Will send that
  13. If you could do that for me I'd be very grateful thank you.
  14. I said no i won't send you that private information. It has nothing to do with me being in debt. They sent the email below today. I have sent proof of everything twice now but they are ignoring it unless i send my health form back. I have also sent another letter including incoming and outgoing as requested, evidence of higher care dla and esa. I have not sent back the 'mental health needs form and am shocked that it is apparently 'standard industry process' to demand all medical information including a signed GP letter for all debtors. They have said then tough we will not stop interest etc. I am at the end now and too upset to carry on. I'll just wait for one of their thugs to turn up and the threats to begin. Point is for a debt that i openly admit to owing and am quite ashamed i cannot pay (£1300) this is going to end up as thousands as they will carry on forever. I really want to protect myself with an admin order but i can't get one because nobody will give me a CCJ Thank you for your email We are sorry that you are upset with our request for further information to confirm your ongoing health issues; it is certainly not our intention to cause any distress. However, we ask for this information so that we have a full understanding of your circumstances please note that this is standard industry practice to ensure we make a fair and informed decision that is right for you. I can assure you that this information is requested from all customers who are in similar situations and I that any information that you provide, will be treated with the utmost discretion. The balance on your account is currently £1545.35, We are unable to consider your request for interest free repayment arrangement at £10.00, without proof of your circumstances and also an up to date financial statement. I have placed your account on hold for a further 28 days, to enable you to forward the requested information, however, I must advise if this information is not received within this period the account will be removed from hold and will run its natural course. I await your response. Yours sincerely Rebecca Purcell Account Management Team
  15. sorry, can i ask what you mean by internet banking site? The only way i can see to pay them is if i use my debit card on their site. If i do that then they have my bank details and can just take money from my card. (Thats not too muchof a worry because there's rarely anything in there) I've asked about standing order for the pound but they won't answer me. Is there any way to pay them the pound without them having my card or bank details? Thank you
  16. Thank you. I'm trying to follow everything here but have to admit they don't seem to be budging. in the meantime though if it never goes to court i could end up owing thousands. Beside the £12 a month charges i'm told i can reclaim they are charging over £50- £60 in credit charges which i presume are a sort of interest on the amount owed. If they never take me to court this is going to add on over £700 a year.
  17. Email recieved as below Thank you for your e-mail, the contents of which I note. We ask for the information so that we have a full picture of your circumstances and make a fair and informed decision that is right for you. We are sorry that we have to ask for this information from you but I can assure you that we do ask this information of all our customers who are in a similar situation. If you are not willing to provide the information that we have requested then we can not help you. I await your reply. Yours sincerely Tracey Wagstaffe Account Management Team I really am shocked. They seem to think and believe they have a legal right to my private health information. It has nothing to do with owing a debt to them. Is there nothing I can do? Can i not take them to court to stop their charges? I have sent all other letters as asked. The SAR i'm unsure how that helps as it just shows normal payments etc and monthly credit charges. This is the first company ever to demand medical records. I have a friend who owes council tax and upon being taken to court wasn't even asked for medical records. I'm really really upset and humilated.
  18. thanks guys am really sorry to be dragging this all on. They also want to know details of all other debts and for me to give details of exact amount of benefits etc. I'll just carry on down the route you've advised. Thanks again
  19. I've received a letter today with forms attached. I am on highest care dla because i have a severe anxiety disorder and other problems. I had mentioned this in a letter simply to let them know I was on DLA. I have received what i think is such an intrusive form that i have found it very upsetting. It is all about what they are calling my 'mental health conditions'. They want to know in the form all details of my health problems. Doctors letters, what i have, what it means in regards to managing money etc. They want reports from other medical people. I won't do it. Its nothing to do with them or the reason i'm in debt. I'm really upset and fed up with the whole thing.
  20. Got email today: In order for me to consider you request to reduce the repayments to £10.00 on a interest free payment arrangement on you account, I would ask that you forward the supporting documentation to confirm your circumstances. I have placed your account on hold for 28 days awaiting this and on receipt I will be able to assess your circumstances. This is the first time they have mentioned the possibility of stopping charges and accepting my offer. I will send them evidence of my DLA and ESA and see what happens. If they do this for me its only thanks to people here. Without you I would have folded right away.
  21. no hasn't been anywhere near 40 days yet. sorry, yes i mean the spreadsheet
  22. Hi, SAR sent off to Jacamo customer service address but nothing yet in response. Form for reclaiming charges filled in but not sent off yet.
  23. Jacamo did say at one point that they never take people to court. I find that more worrying. At least a court would stop the charges and would accept the 10 a month from me. Can they get a bailiff without taking it to county court? Thanks
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