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  1. Hi this is my first post here. Can anybody help me with npower. I did pay monthly by direct debit £73 a month. In January they took, without warning £222, which I immediately got the bank to take back, as this made overdrawn (and I don’t have an overdraft) and it would have meant I could not pay my rent. I contacted them and they said £222 was the new monthly amount and they said they informed me of the increase in November, they hadn’t. I am on a fixed tariff and my usage hasn’t changed so why should my monthly direct debit triple? I looked at my online account and it said I was £440 in debt. I read my meters and saw they had overestimated my electricity, so I put the real reading in and the debt went down to £232. I also sent the reading to person from npower I was dealing with. He came back saying I owed npower £583 even though my account still says £232? So I argued with him and got this email today, maybe I’m a bit thick but it makes no sense to me what so ever. “Please accept my apologies for the mistype. Your balance is £582.93 > following the amended bill being produced. The difference in the amounts > advised and the actual amounts on your account is £0.28. On our systems, an > amount of £232.00 was showing as being outstanding as more than 14 days had > passed and this balance had cleared however since the amendment to your > accounts bill from £583.21 to £582.93, this will have now updated your > online account to show £231.72 again showing a difference of £0.28. > With the amendments made and the incorrect information provided to you, I > would like to increase my proposed offer of resolution to your complaint to > reduce the balance to £500.00, a total reduction of £82.93 and to spread > your balance over the following 12 months which would require a monthly > payment of £42.00 on top of your ongoing usage of £111.00 totalling £153.00 > per month.” So they are proposing I go from paying £73 a month to £153 and it still doesn’t explain why he is claiming I owe more than my account says? I’m on a low income and I assumed monthly payments would mean I would avoid a big bill. I just want to leave npower, but it seems they have trapped me.
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