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Everything posted by shooter67

  1. Yes I do have a transcript of the judgement , I will sort all this out on Friday on my day off. I will forward to you, thanks.
  2. Yes Nationwide did register it as a debt even though I won the case. It was around 2010/2012 I will have a look at the documents tonight for dates. I was on here before 2013, as the advice I was given on here, along with the templates for the different letters I sent prior to appearing in court helped me enormously, I wouldn't have had a much of a clue if I'd had to have done it myself.
  3. Sorry I forgot to say, I didn't incur any loses, I didn't have to pay the remaining £3800 that was on the credit card. Though Nationwide did register it as a debt on my credit reference files for 6 years. Yes I still have my mortgage with them.
  4. I heard of a similar case recently, I never thought of or was unaware that I may be able to take them to court.
  5. Hi, in 2010 I was taken to court for non payment of nationwide credit card, I stopped paying because they couldn't supply me with the original signed agreement, they did send a copy of the original agreement which they had copied & pasted my signature onto. The case was awarded to me as the judge agreed my signature was indeed copied & pasted, I never had to repay the outstanding amount on the card. I am now wondering if I can take Nationwide back to court for committing fraud, I still have all the documents from the court case. Please advise, thanks.
  6. It's not that simple to me, I don't understand the legal system. Could they put it in the hands of a debt collector, put an order against my property etc, ..you say I won't have to pay the £2400...how are you so sure, you say they have probably broken thier own T & Cs by not servicing my boiler by 18th January, but probably is no good, I need to be certain.
  7. I have no choice at the moment, I can't afford to pay £2400, if my boiler doesn't have a service warranty, then I will find it difficult to get another company to service it. It will also go as a bad debt. At least if I get it serviced I am covered for another year, which gives me a year to take action, question their terms & conditions & find out more about what options I have.. .I can't do that at the moment, I have a week before the service, which is to shorter time span for me to do anything.
  8. No I don't like the way they bully thier customers, will wait until service has been done, before I take any action. What loan?, as I've said previously I rent from ASG.
  9. Them is ASG, as I said I rent my boiler ...£44 month. After 10 years it belongs to me. Yes ASG are responsible for the service, & fixing within 24 hours if it goes wrong. I have no option to use any other company for a service, they wont allow it. All I'm asking is have they broken terms & conditions by not servicing by 18th Jan , & also with regards to not arranging an alternative date, & if so what steps can I take . It's not that I want to get rid of the boiler, it's the way I'm treated as a customer, everything is on ASG terms, for example if I don't have my boiler serviced on 24th Feb then I will no longer have a warranty on the boiler & they will invoice me for any outstanding amounts due around £2400, to be paid within 30 days, it would then belong to me & i can get whoever I want to service it, unfortunately I don't have that sort of money spare. So not an option.
  10. Yes the company is Viesman, I'm not allowed to have anyone else service the boiler as ASG have stated to me it is their property & i am renting a service from them, if anyone else was to repair, service or tamper with the boiler this will null & void my warranty , I pay them £44 a month.
  11. They sent both emails on 16th December 2020, I replied on 18th December 2020 ( sorry thought I had copied them ) Should I now notify ASG that they have already made my warranty null & void by not servicing my boiler before 18th January?, & see what thier response is?
  12. Sorry.... This is the email reply that I sent them on 18/12/20 Dear Sir / Madam, with regards to your recent message ( below) :- 'Due to difficulties placed on us through COVID the service appointment due on 24/02/2021 will now take place between 8am and 5pm. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you, ASG Boilers.' This appointment has been booked for 4 months in advance of the date you are coming out to service my boiler. As stated in my recent telephone conversation with yourselves I cannot be at my property all day, I had booked half a days holiday from work for this appointment, I have no more holidays left. Half a day seems a very reasonable time slot & I dont see how Covid 19 has changed anything in any way to hinder the service of my boiler within the half day time slot. Unfortunately I live on my own, & due to Covid I can not have anyone at my property to be there to let you in, other than myself. Please could you either confirm that you can or cannot make the half day slot agreed for 24 th February 2021, if you can't then you need to let me know & make another half day appointment for a future date. I have always been pleased with the service I receive from ASG until now, I am making reasonable time for you to service my boiler, but a full day is unreasonable.I am happy with any afternoon of the week or a Saturday for you to carry out the service. If you cannot give me a half day slot for the service of my boiler in the foreseeable future, then I will regard this as not fulfilling your obligation to annualy service my boiler, in this case I will regard my contract with you as void & you will need to come & remove the boiler, please note if this is the case there will be absolutely no payment forthcoming from myself for the removal of the boiler, as I have made very fair arrangements for you to visit my property to carry out the boiler service, it is yourselves that are being difficult. Kind regards, ***** Show more
  13. Dear Mr ***** Thank you for your prompt response to my email. Unfortunately, we cannot extend the warranty any further and therefore we cannot offer an appointment for the month of April. As per my previous email, if the service does not go ahead this will result in the boiler warranty becoming null and void. Kind regards, ****** A Shade Greener Boilers LLP Sterling House Maple Court Maple Road Tankersley S75 3DP The information in this email may not represent the views of A Shade Greener Boilers LLP. This message is confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us immediately, and then delete this Email from your system. You should not copy it or use it for any purpose, or disclose its contents to anyone. Thank you for your co-operation. Please think before you print and help make our world a shade greener! Privacy Notice “We are pleased to help you try to make your world A Shade Greener!”
  14. Yes that is correct. I contacted them in early December, told them I had saved half a days holiday from work for the appointment, as first arranged, & that I had no other holidays until April,,, but any Friday would be a good day for a service, or any other date for a half day service,which gave them 10 Fridays to visit my home or allocate a half day for another day of the week.
  15. Thanks,This was thier email to me; Customer Ref: Dear Mr ***** Thank you for your email today. Many of our customers have been instructed to either self-isolate, have travel restrictions and/or have been shielding etc. This has resulted in high demand of due and overdue services. All members of staff are working hard to ensure boilers are serviced and maintained whilst operating with fewer members of staff than normal due to the pandemic. To ensure your Gas Safe and warranty checks take place, we have instructed Viessmann, the boiler manufacture, to service the boiler in replacement to our own service engineer and to ensure we are meeting the terms and conditions of our agreement during these turbulent times. I can see from our records you called our service line yesterday morning regarding this matter. The information given during this call was correct. The boiler service which has been arranged to take place on 24/02/2021 will be conducted between the hours of 08:00 – 17:00. Whilst I appreciate the timeslot is not the same as the original appointment slot allocated, we are giving you 10 weeks’ notice to make arrangement for the boiler service to take place. I cannot accept your claim that by not allocating an AM or PM slot is not fulfilling our obligations of the Agreement as we are not refusing attendance to service the boiler. Under Schedule 1 – The Company’s Responsibilities and Obligations point 8 it states: “The Company will provide an annual service free of charge to check the effectiveness of the Equipment” The agreement does not state anywhere we are under obligation to allocate any specific appointment timeslots. However, the agreement does state access must be granted to allow for the service to take place as mentioned under Schedule 2- The Customer’s Responsibilities and Obligations point 14, 17 and 17.3 where it states: “The Customer shall allow the Company (or its appointed agents) reasonable access to the Property in order to carry out such maintenance, repairs and any remedial works whatsoever in relation to the Equipment.” “In the event of any of the following happening, the Customer shall pay all sums payable under this Agreement including instalments which are overdue or are yet to become due.” “Failure by the customer to comply with any of the responsibilities detailed in Schedule 2”. Please be advised if the appointment is cancelled and not rearranged for an appointment of the same time scale or access to the engineer is not granted access to your property the boiler warranty will become null and void and all sums due. Kind regards,
  16. I have been renting my boiler from ASG for the past 8 years, they contacted me in November to arrange an annual service to my boiler, the only date available was 24th Feb 2021, I contacted them to arrange another date as I can't be there on that day, they where rude, abrupt & would not budge from that date & said if I did not have a service on this date my warranty would be null & void & I would be liable for the cost of the boiler & also be charged £75 non service fee. However their terms & conditions state that an annual service will be carried out, as my first service was 18th January 2014 they should have serviced my boiler by 18th January this year, have they breached their own terms & conditions?
  17. Hi all today recieved an out of court payment from Provident for £325 to settle this issue, thanks everyone for the advice given.
  18. Sorry to sound stupid, but could you please explain what this means, as i'm not too sure, & i dont want to make myself look stupid by sending something to them that i cant explain in court. Thanks.
  19. Thanks, i know this as i have replied to this letter ( please see my other attached files), but i do not know what action to take next, as the 14 days i gave in my letter before action ( attached file, pr5 ) has now ended, i have had no reply from Provident, only a letter from their collection agency requesting full payment within 14 days. Please someone advise me as to which course of action to take next, thank you. Sorry, but unfortunately the files below have not uploaded in order, please view in order 1 to 5. 2.pdf‎ (408.1 KB, 3 views) pr4b.pdf‎ (425.8 KB, 3 views) pr1.pdf‎ (257.4 KB, 10 views) pr5.pdf‎ (631.5 KB, 0 views) pr3.pdf‎ (192.6 KB, 0 views)
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