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Everything posted by Run

  1. Run

    Unfair IN10 conviction

    Hi guys I would like to say thanks alot for all the advice on this matter, and that i have found my insurance papers for that period in question, so this should be straight forward matter from here. Thanks again
  2. I was stopped on the 28th/07/2012 by a van of police officer, all white males i might add, i was taking a family friends car to my address as she was going on holiday and left the car in my care while she was away,' i honestly believe i was racially profiled', while driving i can blatantly see the officer set eyes upon me and decided to follow me but they didn't stop me straight away, from my comprehension they were doing police computer checks on me, they followed for a while and must have realised that the car has not been reported stolen and has tax, insurance on the car! but they made a decision to stop me anyways, i protested im being stopped under duress but from nowhere the officer got really heavy handed so i complied with there unreasonable demands while they got me out of the car and into there van and proceeded to ask all sorts of stupid question that doesn't relate to the matter of why did they stop me in the first place. they never answered my question and told me that the car will be impounded and i will have to foot the costs in order to get the car out of a forensic police car pound. after many troubles in order to get the car out of the pound after about a week going back and forth from the car pound i ended up paying over 400.00 pounds and finally got the car back as it wasn't mines. and taught that was it, now i didnt realise that on the 25/02/2013 i was being convicted for IN10 on the 28/07/2012 which is for driving without insurance, as i've moved address between the dates stated above i didn't received any summons so was unaware of the proceeding carried out by the court concerned, it is not difficult to imagine how ****ed i was when i learnt that this situation has lead to me having 6 points on my licence , and only learned this as i'm applying to become a bus driver. this at present is highly annoying and i would be very appreciative for any help on this matter, because i'm trying to prepare to go to court to make a statutory declaration regarding my situation. thanks in advance
  3. Run

    Accepted For Value?

    Explanation: Accepted for Value, from my understanding it is a remedy in which you the individual can transact and pay for bills or goods in commercial standing when operating under Uniform Commercial Code or UCC. hope this gives more light on the matter BankFodder
  4. Run

    Accepted For Value?

    Thanks guys for the information! But just to clarify, this idea of Accepted for Value your saying it's basically only in America? and if so do we not have something similar in the UK? as we do also operate under the UCC codes?
  5. Has anyone in the UK been successful at completing accepted for value for anything? and can it be done for a BT Bill? would be very helpful as i'm trying to help an elderly neighbour that's being bullied with extortionate bill from these corperation bullies Many Thank in advance.
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