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Everything posted by MadLoopy

  1. I am just wondering whether kind folks on here think I have a case. First I am registered disabled and have been for many years. Back in 2003 I was quite poorly and in March 2003 had just begun taking medication which had some horrendous side effects. I banked at Woolwich at that time already part of Barclays. We were very tight financially and due to my medication was not in a good place mentally. One day I went into Woolwich to withdraw money. The cashier said would you like a Barclaycard. Not really with it I accepted and the form was filled in there and then. One of the worst decisions of my life. Within 5 days I was given this card with a £3k limit. No checks had been made that I was disabled and in receipt of benefits. We used the money to live on as we had two teenage kids at this time. They progressively upped the limit to £7k without asking us over two years and we used the money to live on and then of course eventually couldn't make the repayments We came to an arrangement with Barclaycard who then sold the debt to Cabot in 2011 which is now down to £4950. What I wanted to know should I apply to Barclaycard for mis-selling of a credit card and complain? If they refuse to address the issue take it to the Ombudsman. I have already taken Cabot and it was decided that they have bought the debt in accordance with the rules and my application was deemed to be the credit agreement. Any replies will be helpful
  2. At least they must give me my overpayment back!! Would an ombudsman not award more than £100?
  3. Thanks for your input. I understand I cannot go to the ombudsman yet. I have made my case to the lady dealing and the refund is being processed this week - for the third time within the parameters of usage on the new meter. The first two attempts were not backdated as promised. I also understand that next week we are going to talk about compensation in addition to the refund matrix agreed. If we cannot agree this gets escalated to the Customer Service Manager and if no agreement is reached the ombudsman is my option. I hope to agree before that. The reason I want recompense is:- 1 I am disabled and living on a very low income, and have been for many some years 2 I have always paid my energy bills although with the old faulty meter they were escalating all the time giving me worry, stress and making me ill. 3 The final straw when the company in Sept 2013 asked for monthly energy payments of £274 monthly. They never attempted to call me as this clearly was wrong. I had to do all the legwork. The quote of £274 worried me so much I ended up talking to my doctor for stress. 4. I have come on to this forum asking for advice what would constitute reasonable compensation to request as I have no idea.I would guess another £2000 on top but as stated am not au fait with these things This though does not excuse the company from completely making my on-line account unintelligible and deleting my on-line bills before2012. I understood it was a legal requirement they remain - Thank God for downloads!
  4. This is quite a story Think it best if I do it in bullet points Sorry for the long post... Been supplied with Electric by Npower since 05/07/.08 Always paid up on Direct Debit Always had large bill Sept 2013 Bill was so huge they wanted a monthly duel fuel sum of £274 Sept 2013 Asked if Meter was wrong the y said very unlikely Oct 2013 spoke to energy Advisor and kept daily records of consumption using more at night than daytime!! They kept saying that cost £90 to do a meter check (trying to dissuade me) but decide to go ahead. Guy comes twice to install a check meter but cant due to a black circuit breaker. Meter is housed in box outside and in January 2014 display disappears. On third visit meter deemed broken and new one ordered. New Meter installed and I monitor it only using 9- 12 units a day. N power after struggle agree to pay refund of over metered amount will total £2000+ My online account all bill prior to 2012 deleted although I have some going back to 2009 on computer Complete mess of online account as repeatedly recalculated Special bill of £700 paid by me in 2009 as we had high bill. I just paid it although needed to go to family for financial help I am disabled with many health problems and paying my energy bill has always been a struggle Should I get compensation for worry stress and suffering from N power in addition to my refund??? The excess consumption should trigger a flag system on the computers so any large consumption for size of property can be evaluated and also vulnerabilities of customers should be flagged. Advice please should I take this all the way to the ombudsman? that will make a refund on the electric and I will accept that but I really think they need to be brought to book over this.
  5. Hi I have an arrangement with Cabot on an old Barclaycard debt which had an arrangement of £20 per month when the debt was sold to Cabot. I had issues with a review and the long and short of it is that Cabot harassed me 1. Did not provide a CCA in the recognized time frame. 2. Breached the BCOBs rules 3. Provided an application form - a very bad photocopy insisting this was the Credit Agreement. No interest rate no repayment schedule on this form. 4. Were rude and unhelpful in their tone of letter. 5. Were not treating me in a fair way 6. Their answer to my complaint was sidestepping the issues and a letter saying actually they were not subject to any rules and only supervised by the Office of Fair Trading. They insist they are not a DCA A complaint will be submitted to the Ombudsman tomorrow. Crabpot and their ilk should be shut down and it should be unlawful to sell on debt . So I am making like as hard for them as they have made for me.
  6. This really was not what I wanted to read. My understanding was that a DCA should not really buy a debt with an agreement in place. My understanding was that under the BCOBS rules that as they had taken this debt over with an agreement in place to review or try to increase it is a breach of those rules. The application is very blurred by the signature panel it does refer to the Consumer Credit ACT but there is no reference to any interest rates. In their covering letter Cabot make it clear that they have provdied a CCA bla bla also make it clear they can enforce the debt making references to CCJs Courts etc.
  7. Sorrty about this. I didnt realise I had left personal details on the item. Just want to know if this application can be enforced as a CCA. MY daughter things it can. I have reuploaded it. Sorry this is as clear as it can be as the item Crapbot sent was very poor reproduction.
  8. Hi Had Barclaycard debt of £5K and agreement to pay £20 per month. Cabot took it over in 2011. After huffing and puffing agreed to continue £20 per month. I have kept to the agreemnt and paid them £20 per month, This year they wanted to "review" it,. I told them this was a breach of BCOBS and can they send me my CCA. All I got was a bunch of photocopy statements. Barclaycard Terms & Conditions and A copy of my original signed agreement This had a barcode stuck on it which I have edited out and my name I have edited out. My daughter says thsi is as good as a CCA and just tell them you will continue with the £20 per month. I disagree. It is NOT a signed application form .not a CCA. Please help.
  9. [ATTACH=CONFIG]43043[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]43042[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]43041[/ATTACH]Hello Guys. Cabot took over my Barclaycard debt in Feb 2011 . I already had an agreement with barclaycard to pay £20 permonth in place. This has been paid on time. Cabot after some nasty threats continued with the agreemnt. In february 2013 they told me the account was up for review. I wrote and tol them they should not have bought an account with an agreemnt in place and requested a copy of the CCA. They said they would write to me in 40 days Today I received a signed copy of my signed application A photocopy of Barclaycard conditions dated 2006 five pages thereof no signature and some duplicate statements. In their covering letter they are telling me they have provided a signed reconsitituted CCA. They can now enforce the agreement want me to contact them and they have welshed on the agreement in place with Barclaycard. I am really unwell at the moment and dont need this for less than five grand.. I am uploading pictures of what I have received. I feel like telling them to go forth stop paying them and letting them do their worst. I just feel so ill with my mdecial conditions I really cant fight any more
  10. I wrote to Cabot and asked for my CCA with Barclaycard and quoted all the laws to them. It looked like a solictors letter. I told them they had 12 days to answer but I omitted to send the £1 fee. Today I had a reply which says Thankyou for your request etc.Cabot Financail currently doies not have this inofrmation on file. However we have requested the relevant information under section 77 and/or 78 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 from the original lender. What Happens Next We anticipate that we shall be able to provide this information within 40 days. In the event we are unlikely to obtain the information within those time limits we will write to you again There was no mention of reviewing our arrangement or anything. Is this 40 day rule legal?? What are my options
  11. I really am taking premeptive action here. When the new benefit is brought in replacing DLA I am certain I will not qualify. I have reserached this and a wheelchair bound lady who can walk about 80 feet will have her car taken away as she can walk more than 60 feet. The rules are draconian to say the least.
  12. Thanks very much for that. When I used the CAB the interest was frozen and I believe a late fee of £20.00 was refunded. I took pre-emptive action to stop charges. I am not sure whether PPI was in place or not, I am not certain how I can find out now.. I will write to CABOT as you said and I ask for a copy of my original CCA as I never saw one whe Cabot took over the debt. I will tell them my circumstances if anytihng are worse than two years ago as well. I have all my old Barclaycard transactions stored on thecomputer somewhere so I can go back and check for any more penaly fees incurred Once again thanks.
  13. This is quite a long story. Back in July 2003 I was a customer of Woolwich and went in the branch one day. I am disabled with many health problems and at that time was very unwell. I went in to draw some cash and the clerk asked if i would like a Barclaycard. Having lost my business some years before, ill and living on benefitsI immediately said yes. I was given an immediate limit of £3000 which each quarter was increased and after two years it was £7000. As we were on a very low income I used this to help feed my still young family. Need less to say by 2006 I was very much in debt to Barclaycard and had difficulty paying. We came to an arrangement and I began by paying £5 per month. All interest was frozen and was reviewed each year together with help from the CAB to £20 per month. Fast forward to 2011 and I began getting calls from Cabot. Did not even know them. I bascially told them I was disabled and put everything in wrting. I contacted tthe CAB and I told them my agreement was with Barclaycard. The CAB said it was common practice and that if I refused to pay Cabot could take me to court. So I bit the bullet . I had an explanitory letter back in January 2011" Welcome to Cabot" they expalined they had bought the debt and were happy to agree to conitiue the repayment plan I had with Barclaycard with payments of £20 per month, with interest frozen. Fast forward to today and I receive a letter from Cabot asking me to contact them as they are "reviewing" my account. In other words they will want me to pay more. I have just looked at my credit report and Cabot is listed and the account is marked satisfactory and my credit score is fair at 790. However being short of cash as I always am I have never seen my Barclays Credit Agreement or had one from Cabot. We face huge bills increases this year rent is going up £90 per month alone so I cant afford to pay these people any more money each month. How would things stand if I just refused to pay these wretched people??? It seems I will soon loose my mobilty car and was thinknig of applying for a loan to finance a small car.. Would I be delcined ???
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