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Everything posted by peace4all

  1. many thanks one again. I am going to email the CEO now. THank you
  2. Hi dx100uk Many thanks for your reply. Even if I have signed a 4 year contract and paid a deposit with a debit card, I am eligible for 14 day return? Kind regards
  3. Hello All I need some help. We went to SCS on 26/12 and placed an order on a sofa. The total cost was around 6000 pounds and we decided to go on 4 year finance. We paid a deposit of around 500 pounds and signed all the paperwork and everything was good. The very next day, I was informed that my mom unfortunately was diagnosed with cancer. It is a devastating news for us. I am in the process of arranging everything for us and it is a lot in terms of finances for us. I decided to cancel the sofa as I need money now! I went to the store again and explained the whole situation to the sales person he said let me speak to the manager. He than came back saying that unfortunately there is nothing they can do. He said either you pay 1500 pounds (25%) of the contract or we can delay the sofa for 6 months, but apart from that they can't do anything. I never said anything and came back. Today, I went there again because I am desperate and would like to cancel it. I spoke to the manager directly and he was very unhelpful. He repeated the same thing. I said can I speak to the regional manager and he said no you can only deal with me. Is there anything I can do? The contract that we signed states that we cannot cancel the order. It was never mentioned when we were signing the contract. It is totally my fault that I never read it correctly. But I would really appreciate your help on this? Is there anything I can do to cancel the order? Many thanks
  4. ahhaha thanks WB! feel much better now!! Looking forward to my increased premiums now
  5. I never disbelieved your answer and I am really grateful that you have made it crystal clear for me. I was under the false impression that I have to settle the claim my self and because of your reply I am all relaxed now. Maybe the accident has affected my head I am really sorry that I have annoyed you. Thank you once again for your help
  6. Ohhh...I was thinking that insurance are not going to settle the issue and I have to pay for the damage of the wall??? Is that not the case?
  7. Just wanted to mention that before this claim I had 9 years of NCB and no points on my license
  8. Hi All I hope someone would be able to help me with this matter! I was driving to work the other day and it was 6 in the morning and it was dark and raining and visibility was very low and I was driving on a country lane. I mis-judged one of the sharp turn and as I tried to steer my car into the bend, the rear wheel hit the kerb and my car got out of control and slipped and then I hit the garden wall (yes!! if you were thinking like me that who are the idiot people who hit someones wall....thats me!) Needless to say that the garden wall was knackered. The house owner was a nice guy and he called the police. The police came and took all the information from me and then told me dont worry these things happens and then gave me a lift to the nearest train station as well I called my insurer the same day and told them everything how it happened and they said dont worry we will take care of any claim that will be raised by the third party. I received another call next day telling me that my car is write off. I was thinking that everything is settled now, until I received a letter from my insurer today. It says: We have examined your description of the accident, together with any other information supplied to date, and regret to advise you that we feel it is unlikely that we would be successful in fully defending the third party's claim against you. This conclusion is based on our experience of handling other motor vehicle claims and the approach of the Courts in deciding issues of liability in such circumstances. It is therefore our intention, given that we have to keep commercial considerations in mind, to deal with the third party's claim now, on the most economic terms that we can. I hope that someone would be able to shed some light on what this letter actually means and what options I have? Thank you
  9. First of all thank you Old-CodJA, moandcubs, Grotesque and san_d Really appreciate your comments! I have already written an email to Great Western Train and described the whole situation and said how rude the staff member was. I will wit for their reply. But as one of the member here said that I should go and see a solicitor. I am going to do that as well. I am going to take this matter as far as I can not just because of my partner but any women travelling alone at night. I have full confidence in police as they were very very helpful. The police also mentioned in the statement about the rude behaviour of the staff. He also very specifically asked me to raise this issue. I understand that there is no nation in the world which is free of crime and violence. Infact, here in UK we got more good people than we got bad. So its our responsibility to keep it that way and try and report any criminal activity as soon as possible. As far as these train services are concerned, I am very dis-satisfied with the level of service they have given us. As my partner was their customer when the incident happened. But as I said before, I am going to see a solicitor and take it from there. THank you once again
  10. Hi RPI Yes, as I mentioned in my first post that we straight away went to the police station. They refered us to the BTP. Next day we went to the BTP and they took her statement. They told me that the train staff was suppose to call the police. Maybe BTP havent got the right info.
  11. you are rite Honeybee that its a public forum. but nothing can justify the rude behavior of the train staff. And even the transport police told us that the train staff are suppose to contact the police. But, I would appreciate if anyone can point me in the direction of how I can take an action against First Great Western.
  12. firstclassx When a person is being harassed and specially a woman travelling alone at night, some of them are very frigtened and dont know how to react. Anyways, please I dont want any ignorant person to reply to this thread! If you think you can tell me what I can do against First Great Western, then please reply here. Else no need to reply
  13. Hello I am very distressed and unable to sleep since last two nights. My partner was travelling in a train on Friday night all by her self in great western train. Two males harassed her and when she asked them not to touch her, they started verbally abusing her. There were people on board but no one even bothered to raise their voice. She was frightened and was desparetley looking for the member of the staff. But she could not find anyone. As soon as the station arrived she got off the train and found the ticket checker and went straight to her. Thats where she wanted to get off the train anyways and I was waiting at the platform to pick her up. I saw her going to the ticket checker and talking to her. She was looking very distressed and I dint know what had happened. I went to her and I was amazed that the ticket checker was being rude to my partner. He said I cant do anything you have to complain to the police. She even pointed to those males that they are the one cant you do anything. He very rudely said no I cant and you can goto police if you want to. She said I am going to complain about all this and he said, "DO WHAT EVER YOU WANT TO" and went away. Obviously, I was waiting for her to finish the conversation, to fully understand the situation from her. But by that time it was too late as those two males have left the train station as well. We then went to police station and gave our statement. Now, I know train staff are not allowed to interfere but he was suppose to call the police. He could have seen those two males and given their description to the police as well. But instead he decided not to do anything and for no reason he was very very rude to my partner. I am very distressed and would like to know what my options are. I want to take the Great Western Train services to court as they aide the criminals get away. They must be on some other train harassing someone else's girl friend, daughter or sister! Could you guys please tell me what are the options I have. I also emailed great western trains yesterday and described the whole situation and said I am going to take them to the court! Please help, I hope you guys can imagine what pain I am going through at the moment. Thank you
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