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Everything posted by fielding

  1. I've managed to agree a settlement figure with the debt agency to clear the debt but I am worried that the debt wouldn't be totally cleared. They are saying they will send me a letter stating that they will accept the one off payment to clear the debt and will register that the debt was part cleared. Verbally they are saying that it will be all cleared - end of debt. Is there a recommended way I should go about this to make sure that once I've paid this payment that the debt is totally wiped and it cannot be sold on to another agency who will chase for the rest. Thanks
  2. I stopped responding to the chaser letters (they did repeat the same thing all the time) and you are right it has all gone quiet. Just wondering what may happen next or if there is anything underhand brewing that I should be looking out for? Thanks
  3. Further update:- Arden (acting for idem servicing) are writing to me every 2-3 weeks at present and I have spoken to them on the phone 4 or 5 times. Last letter came this week and stated " We are increasingly concerned that we have not been able to speak with you". Eh! I assume these are just things they do, like lie, as part of their pestering tactics. I spoke to them yesterday and it's the same line about them wanting to arrange payments and I stating that I cannot afford payments. They rejected an offer of 4k (loan from family) to settle the debt, so I assume they think they can get more. I wouldn't have thought they could sell the debt on for more than that, or could they? I will wait until they take me to court as there is little else I can do. In the meantime should I just ignore or should I respond to their request for me to contact them and repeat the same things over and over again?? Thanks
  4. Arden did reject the lump sum payment, albeit I know it wasn't much. They have requested that I fill out an expenditure and income form to demonstrate my disposable income and then after offer a regular payment. Now without doing this I know there is hardly anything left after paying essentials like rent and bills. They also hinted that interest could be added to the debt! Question is should I be filling in this form request? Or is it best to offer something like £10 a month? Does anyone have an idea what sort of percentage of the debt will these people accept as a lump sum as full and final payment? I tend to think just let them drag me through the French courts, because at the end of the day I have nothing to give them, so blood out of a stone come to mind! Thanks again.
  5. The debt has been passed on to Arden who have recently contacted me. For now they are talking about my ability to pay and have done little else. What will they try to do, or are they capable of forcing payment through the French courts? I have informed them that for now I will not have the spare money at the end of the month to pay them a regular amount. However a family member (who has some experience in this field) would be able to forward me a lump some to offer them as one off and final payment. However, it only amounts to about a 5th of the debt so I would have thought they would reject but my family member says they might take it! Any help would be welcome Thanks
  6. Hi Guys I know this has been touched upon but can you spell out for me what might happen in the near future as MBNA will be selling the debt on. I assume it will be picked up by a French debt collecting agency who will no doubt contact me. I will be able to offer a small monthly payment but I mean only small. What really worries me is my business assets. I have a small workshop with some machinery that is part of my business and is the only assets I have. I'm not talking great sums of money but if the machinery was sold on it might raise 10k If push come to shove can they bankrupt me and force the sale of my business assets to part clear the debt? Of course it would ruin me as without the machinery I cannot operate my business. I have no personal assets of any worth like property or vehicles or basically anything apart from the clothes I stand in. Whilst I have my business I can pay my rent and feed my family. Without my business I'm done for. Is there any chance whatsoever that I could lose the only thing I have left? Now my back is to the wall I'm up for any scrap going, whatever it takes. Thanks
  7. Just thought I would give you an update to the situation. I contacted Stepchange who were helpful and gave a casenumber. I passed this on to MBNA to indicate that I am trying to resolve the debt. MBNA will only accept the min or near min payments and have recently written to me stating that unless I do this they will pass the debt onto an agency in a few months time. I have a possible solution and was hoping to receive advice to what the best thing to do would be. I have a small pension in the UK and I have been told that I can transfer it out of the UK and therefore get 30% cash payment from it. This will only pay off about 25% of the debt but possibly it would give me a bit of breathing space to pay the remainder at a later time. I assume, if it comes to it, that the debt agency will get a court order against me as the credit agreement exists and what happens then is what really worries me. I have no assets to speak of but can they add interest tothe debt? Are debt agencies willing to settle for an amount less than the total debt? Can they affect my business if that’s the only assets I have in the way of tools and equipment, small as they are? I only have a few months and the pension solution is not a sure thing, so I might have to be ready to face the debt collectors come what may. Thanks again
  8. It looks like the original to me with my signature and writing. I want to pay this off but just haven't the funds to do so. I will again speak to MBNA and discuss if I have any options rather than it being passed to a debt agency as that prospect worries me.
  9. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Letter received today from MBNA postmarked 4/4/13 inside my signed agreement, actually over 16 years old. I just hope I have some money when they come looking for me! Thanks for the help.
  10. The CCA letter request arrived with MBNA on the 15th March. I have yet to receive a reply. Is there anything I should be doing considering the lapsed time?
  11. Hi I sent the CCA request letter and I was wondering what my next move might be, that is if I don't get a reply soon. The letter was sent reg/recorded on the 13th March from France to MBNA in the UK. I assume the 12+2 comes into play after they have received it? Thanks
  12. Is there a right and wrong way to request this CCA? Tel, Mail, Registered Mail Are they obliged to send me a copy or tell me that they do not have it?
  13. I assume you mean them providing me with the original signed agreement when taking the card? How does this help if they cannot provide it - what will putting the debt in dispute do? Even though it is over 10 years ago I would assume someone like MBNA Europe Ltd would have records. If it's likely to help me then I will ask. Thanks for your help
  14. This card must have been taken out over 10 years ago perhaps 15 or more. The credit rating does not bother me.
  15. There was no PPI with the card and even now I have not missed a payment, albeit min repayment. Mind you the next payment due date will be a different story! I don't think I've had any unfair charges made on the account.
  16. Hello New to this site and I am looking to get help regarding a MBNA Credit Card Debt. I owe about £20,000 on a MBNA card in the UK and recently have run into financial difficulties here in France. The card is registered to me at my French address although was first applied for whilst in the UK. I have just paid the latest min payment but I fear this will be the last I can manage. I called them today to explain my difficulties. They took details of my current income and expenditure which highlighted why I could no longer pay. They said they would freeze the interest but if no payments were made after 6 or 7 months then they would sell the debt. My main concerns are what happens after that. Who will pick up the debt and what can they do? I rent in France and own no property anywhere. My income is lower than my current essential expenditure. Will eventually someone march into my rented property and take what things I have left? Can my van and tools that I use to make a self employed living be taken? I have no hidden assets or wealth. Through ill health my business suffered and the debt went up. I've written to the tax people here in France who have agreed I can pay my owed taxes over the next 2 years which is difficult enough along with the rent, rates, cost of raising children etc etc. My business is currently improving so I hope to at least be breaking even regarding my essential costs but I fear I will never be in the situation to service or pay back the UK debt. I have no other UK or French Debt and it is the first time I've found myself in this situation. All very worrying. Thanks
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