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  1. Hi to anyone, seems like damo dissappeared. For anyone else who comes accross this thread and for any advisors who suggested damo go to LGO, I feel it my duty to exclaim that you never give that advice to anyone again. It is extremely likely that the LGO will have just finished the job that the council started re running damo into the ground. Anyone else who knows the facts about the LGO will tell you the same - LGO is not answerable to anyone - not even the Department of Communities and Local Government. It is what is known as an Arms Length Body of the government and doesn't even have to answer to those who fund it - i think because they are known as sponsors. It may well have finished damo off. I speak from experience. The LGO IS A LIAR AND IT KNOWS IT. This is not conspiracy language. When I have enough spare cash - one day I will advertise precisely that and invite them to sue me if I am wrong. Please don't advise anyone go to them. The LGO justifies itself with a day in Parliament each year when it reports on the good work it does. What it doesn't state is that the few things it mentions in Parliament are approximately the ONLY complaints it has upheld. Most other peoples complaints are not observed from the point of view of investigative thinking. Indeed - when a council failed to release docs to me, even after the Information Commissioner had been asking it to for 5 months - A poor girl at the LGO - at her wits end with trying to put me off my complaint - actually stated that even if I did get the documents ( which no-one at the algo new what they contained ) - Quote "IT WONT MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE". Enough said! If you want to help people - that should not be a place you reccommend the go. This thread is old so you may well have heard of LGO Watch by now. If you haven't and you dont believe me - go to its site and check the stats it has collected. IT SEEMS IT IS THERE TO END PEOPLES COMPLAINTS SIMPLY BY BREAKING THEIR WILL TO COMPLAIN ANY FURTHER - AND IT SEEMS - NO ONE CAN DO A THING ABOUT IT EVEN THOUGH IT IS PAID FOR OUT OF PUBLIC MONEY.
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