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  1. Hello My limited company received a county court claim form from a company for around £1200.00. we disagreed with the amount claimed and filled in the acknowledgment of service, this was sent back to us as we had not ticked one of the 3 box's, the letter told us to tick the correct box and return it, which we did, it was then sent back to us again saying judgment had already been entered against us as we had not replayed in time. obviously due to the above error. anyway the company has now ceased to trade and the above seamed a minor problem or so i thought. the company used to work out of a yard but my home address was used for the postal address due to there not being a letter box at said yard. I then get a quick tap on my door at home and i open the door to find a gentleman down the bottom of my driveway looking suspicious, i challenge him and he inform me he has seized the 2 vehicles, i ask him why and he reluctantly shows me the above judgment and asks me my name, i refuse to give my name and inform him the company is no longer trading and the 2 vehicles are not assets of the limited company, he tells me he has heard it all before and tells me i have to sign his paper work which i refuse and i refuse to take it off him so he pushed it though the letter box next to the door. I then ring marston group and inform them of there mistake and they tell me they will check with the DVLA as to own's the vehicles, at not point did he ask me for a payment nor has marston. I have written to marston and informed them of there visit to my private address and confirmed the vehicles are not assets of the limited company, after around 5 more phone calls they have confirmed with the DVLA that the vehicles are registered in my name, but not that they will not be removing them which is what I'm worried about, they went on to say as a director i had certain responsibility's to pay the debt, i informed them that my personal liability if limited to the value of shares i hold with is £1.00 she did not seam to like this and put the phone down on me. please can some one advise if they are able to remove my vehicles and if they can how can i stop them. my gut feeling is no but i just cant settle and they wont confirm anything.
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