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  1. I will I promise - I have another damn infection right now but I need to deal with it - feeling positive - only thanks to your help thank you again
  2. Ok yes I guess it's pretty fast that way too - I will get all this sorted ASAP and await their response - not holding my breath though! Do you think this is the way to go then even with the default notice? Thank you
  3. Absolutely we do owe the money - other creditors have been fantastic and can't do enough to help but these have been awful and I just haven't had the energy to deal with it either way. It does say Default notice on it I'm sure but will check again when I get home from hospital. So my plan is now to send letter 2 with good will gesture of £1 per month and back date - they can't say we haven't tried then at least. Thank you
  4. Yes the first letter on your post, they just refused it straight away though. And have been calling day and night ever since. Is it possible to make an offer now they've sent the default do you think x
  5. Yes it was and they turned it down - I used the template off here x
  6. Only just recently I think it does say it on the default letter today. Is it worth us sending backdated £1 per month for the missed payments or not? X
  7. It was taken out in 2011 so not that old but he's never seen the agreement nor signed anything - we kept up payments no probs until dec 2012
  8. Thank you so much I will get this sent off over the weekend. Does the default notice mean anything for us then? The wording is scary I guess that's their intention. I did send the first letter but as I said they refused point blank so I think the second is my next option. ThAnk you X
  9. Hi again Sorry I haven't been in touch I've been struggling health wise going from one infection to another Today my husband received a default notice from SimplyBe catalogue - they refused point blank to accept reduced payments and have called every day up to 8 times a day. What's the best way to handle it now? Is it too late to offer repayments in the hope that they will accept them? Thank you again Wheels x
  10. Hi dx100uk I still haven't got around to that credit report I have however had a letter from an old mobile phone company (so old i cant remember it) Its from Lowell and i have quite a file of correspondance going back 6 years and more. In my wisdom i wrote to them and advised them i thought this was statute barred - i came to this conclusion after realising I had been with my current provider since 2007. They wrote back and advised that it was not statute barred as I had made a payment in June 2007 for £1. This £1 was actually a CCA request letter which as you are aware states that the £1 must not be used towards the outstanding debt i am a little confused as to why they have credited this to the account. I have a statement print out and the last actual proper payment was made on 26/03/2007 - and now because i havent replied to their letter they are threatening to obtain my credit file etc and see if i am paying other stuff! I dont know what to do now! Back in 2007 this was actually taken to court through MCOL and I submitted a defence - but nothing happened, i did call the court last year to find out how we stood but they said i would have to apply to have it struck out or something. I seem to be getting old debt letters every week - is this due to the recent credit search for the rental agreement do you think? I am so stressed - and while im well for the time being it wont last What do you think i should do with this one?
  11. Hi again Just a quick update. My health has deteriorated over the past week and I'm quite poorly at the moment, still not had chance to pull up the cra files as yet but I'm being hounded by one of the most recent debts (studio24) - plus reliable collections. We were paying these accounts religiously up until sept last year when I wrote and explained our problems. Reliable point blank refused to help and studio said the least they could accept was £13 per month which I agreed and began paying. They then add charges and ring 7-8 times per day so clearly not sticking to their agreement. I haven't the energy to deal with them at the moment - I don't know what they will do next but I can't get myself better worrying about them. I just want it all to be over :-/
  12. Thank you so much will try and pluck up some courage :-/ DD
  13. I really appreciate your help. Can you recomend a cra file company? I'm still dreading looking into it Xx
  14. Ok thank you will look into it as soon as poss. Thank you. Hope you don't mind all the questions DD
  15. Ok I see, can I request a copy of the signed cca for a bank account? The letter does say they have bought the debt :-/ xx
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