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Everything posted by Bob1986

  1. Again, thanks for this information. Would just like to confirm another point here. My application asks to disclose convictions but excluding parking and speeding related convictions I.e. penalty points for speeding etc. However it then goes on to request the applicant to disclose any fixed penalty notice recieved. Does this mean I'm required to declare speeding points etc after all? The questions have left me very confused! Cheers Bob
  2. Thanks to everyone who have provided their advice on the matter thus far. In my application I've been very honest and unambiguous about the facts of the matters which relate to my convictions. If I'm correct in saying, would it be likely that I could be invited to attend an interview? I'm aware this is the procedure when making an application for DV Clearance. I was under the impression that SC Clearance did not require an interview. Bob
  3. Dear readers, I'm currently making an application to obtain SC Clearance for a job I've recently been offered with a defense contractor in the UK. My problem is, as a young adult I was convicted of assault on two occasions, in both instances I received a fine as the matters were very minor. I understand that criminal convictions are a very serious subject when it concerns matters such as security clearance and that it is likely my application will be rejected. In general I'm a good citizen and a hard working individual I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm in the process of writing up my PhD and have not since been involved in any trouble with the police. Would having two convictions mean my application is rejected right away? If so is there an appeal process I could go through? Any advise on the matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Bob
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