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  1. thanks Dasis I will ask for clarification in writing yes good idea. The fact I have an income is irrelevant though I'm entitled to work and still be exempt from council tax. My daughter lives in a student house with 4 others, they don't pay any, they all work, the landlord does not pay council tax. He rakes in £1500 over month off that house, this compared to my situation seems totally unfair. I will try CAB too
  2. I gave her a contract but I'll have to check what I wrote?? Thanks good point!There again she can't afford to pay it either ..Trouble is we are friends too
  3. Yes she claims housing benefit, which is paid to her and she pays me. So like you I can't understand why they wouldn't pay her council tax benefit? I have already given them proof that I am a full time student, I don't have to claim, I am just disregarded or exempt. I understand and totally agree with you about the normal set up of lodger/tenant but some times this isn't the case also, and in our case I did say to her if she found work the then she would have to pay the council tax. When you say the staff member are you referring to the benefits staff? The other scenario I thought of was where a group of students live in a house, or a couple of people of job seekers...The landlord is raking in a lot more than I do, and doesn't have to pay council tax. I'm going to write to my local MP, have you heard how the government are making people take a lodger or they lose some benefit? In that case then, I bet all them people will have to pay a single persons council tax rate too? Hardly worth taking in a lodger.
  4. Hi Nystagmite Thanks for the information, I am sure she has been claiming it for longer than six months so I presume it is income based JSA. Also she has no savings or partner. I am hoping there is a way round this, I will have to pay it anyway, as the court date is 6.2.13. Luckily I have just had a student finance payment. They keep saying to her because she pays my rent the council tax is included in that, but surely she is able to claim council tax benefit?
  5. Hi Antone Thanks very much for your help!
  6. Hi everyone, I am looking for advice, I have been a (very) mature student for a couple of years and not paid council tax. I have taken in a lodger who is on job seekers allowance and receives housing benefit. When she had her own flat she received council tax benefit and therefore didn't pay it either. She moved in to my house in August and I told the council, immediately I received a bill, they suggested she claimed for council tax benefit. Which eventually she did...They have refused to pay it and I have received a court summons for £560. Surely a job seeker and a full time student living in the same house should not be liable for Council Tax? I calculated the rent and bills presuming we would not be liable for Council Tax so I am in an awkward position now. I have spoken to Bury Council they just keep saying about claiming council tax benefit and I have telephoned the benefits (the lady was very rude and made me feel like I was wasting her time) but did say it depend on which benefit, i.e. contribution or income based job seekers allowance? I do not know the difference or why this would even matter? I am sure she is only claiming job seekers allowance no other benefits. Quote from Bury Council's website 'The rules for claiming council tax benefit are the same as those for claiming housing benefit. If you do not rent the property you live in, then we can consider a claim for council tax benefit on its own.' That says to me that she should have a case for claiming it? Any help would be really appreciated as I am a student and in a lot of debt also Best Wishes Alan
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