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  1. Just to let yoy know, If anyone of the people who were let go in November are wanting to lodge at Employment Tribunal then it has to be done by the end of this week.
  2. Most of it was by email so I had an audit trail incase I had to take it to court. Mainly saying that they were owed money by one of their clients and once they were paid they could look at addressing what they owed.
  3. I am also still owed money by them after being made redundant in November. I know that if you are wanting lodge at Employment Tribunal it has to be done within three months minus one day from the incident so will probably need to be done in the next week or so. Are you in contact with any others who are still owed money? Do you know if they have heard from them or are taking any action as the xpress office seem to be ignoring me now!
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