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Everything posted by tto54

  1. Hi Scotgal68, He only gets his busfare from the hardship fund x
  2. Hi Hun, sorry I don't want to appear daft but what exactly do you mean by online shopping xx
  3. Hi jadeybags, did you mean me when you asked if there was any chance of getting some work in retail/online shopping or my son who is in fulltime college and has very little experience about retail/online shopping, if you can advise us of any online site/retail that will either train people or take people with little experience, I would be very grateful, I'm not being sarcastic when I say this, my son is desperate to learn anything that would lead to a job, many thanks for your reply
  4. Hi All, hope some kind person can help me, my husband receives JSA and also claims for me, we receive 112.60 weekly along with HB and CTB, up until last week I also received child tax credit and child benefit for him, this has now stopped as he has reached 20, he still has another year to complete at college and the only money he receives is a bursary of £110 every 3 months which pays for a bus pass to travel to and from college which is over 3 miles away. We are not in a financial position to be able feed and get essentials for the 3 of us on that amount of money we get weekly, my son has been trying to get a part time job for over 12 months but most ask for experience, he took up voluntary work to gain retail experience but so far hasn't received any replies from jobs he has applied for, he will be applying to go to uni when his course finishes next year, Sorry its a bit long winded but trying to explain best I can,
  5. Thanks for replying, he is not in receipt of care component, he injured his knee in october 2012 and had an operation, up until then he was on jsa.
  6. Hi Everyone, hope some kind person can advise me, me and my husband are claiming housing and community charge benefits at present, my 25yr old son came home last week and told us that the company he had worked for 7 years had layed them off on the 21st Jan with no forseeable work for him and also he wouldn't be able to pay them their wages which were due on the 24th, consequently my son having no money has come home to stay, what i would like to ask is how will this affect our household where benefits are concerned, i have filled in a change of circumstances form for the local council and will take it in later, i would like to know how much money they will expect my son to pay, we don't own our house, we rent it from a housing association, we have 2 other children, both at college, 1 waiting to go to university, no savings to fall back on and both of us in our late fifties, sorry its long winded, just wanted to put as much info as possible, many thanks.
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