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  1. Update....signed the stat dec forms and sent those back to northampton tec to say not received outcome of appeal etc.. they refused got snotty letter from transport for london saying they would be reinstating the baliffs etc. But before that came back wrote to Nick Fairholme the cheif exec fella as directed by somebody (may thanks for that) and amazingly two days later i recieved a letter saying we agree that mitigating circumstances were involved and dropped all charges including paying the £10 fee which i had agreed was worthy of paying. All in all a great outcome. Common sense prevailed in the end!! Big thanks to all!! xxx
  2. im a little sketchy with the figures maybe?? But after initial appeal i recieved a bill for £180. Im not 100% sure it has been a long process. PATAS appeal forms?? I rang TEC northampton to get my stat dec forms today, and my original appeal forms were sent by TFL
  3. Yes you make an appeal to TFL 1st that was rejected then you can appeal to a Parking Adjudicator, it was from this point that i had not heard anything about the success of the appeal, im assuming they rejected that too as a baliff turned up, but still how can i act accordingly if I havnt received the relevant paperwork or notified of what happens next. I will Write to the director next aswell as everything else...Thanks again for that info DD
  4. Thanks again folks! I did email the baliff company, didnt speak to the goon that came to the door beacuse i know what they are like, hired thugs! Have told them to back off and that i will be dealing TFL direct and have appealed so you never know it might be the end of them.
  5. Thank you daniella ! I have appealed to TFL on the grounds that I have not heard anything from Them as to the outcome of my appeal to the adjudicate r ! Have filed the pe2 & pe3 forms with them which should stave off the baliffs temporarily! Will contact ombudsman next. Will let you know what happens. 2Nd visit from baliffs today whilst I was out they now want 547.78 ... Funny!
  6. Nature of the visit was to see Professor shannan at St Tommys for an emergency cervical suchure to keep my baby inside of me and alive! We had a call from him at approx 3pm and was on our way to London moments after for the procedure to take place the following morning. Im guessing these could be mitigating cicumstances?
  7. Thankyou i will go via the complaints procedure. I did originally appeal against the £60 fine, this was dismissed and I appealed against that, during this time they said it had now passed the 28 days and had increased to £180! I have not heard anything since the second appeal towards my case until the Baliffs letter for £467.04 yesterday. You would have thought that as i appealed in time and even after rejection i would be given the chance to pay the initial £60 fine. Its more than farcical in my eyes!
  8. i wrote to them explaining i would happily pay the £12 day late fee or indeed the £10 charge, but for not knowing about how/when/where to pay the CC i was not prepared to pay £60 / later £180 as this is unfair / unjust. there must be a way around this? its ridiculous! common sense must prevail!
  9. am i right in thinking that a charge is not forceable by law unless you entered into an agreement for the service to be chargable? If the congestion charge were a tax then it is forceable by law upon the people? Therefore as i didnt agree to pay the charge i am now not obliged to pay it?? i.e a mate comes round without you knowing cuts the grass and sends you a bill for £20.. obviously you never asked for the service therefore are not contractually obliged to pay it??
  10. Hi, At a critical stage now with a hand delivered letter from Martson Baliffs who now are wanting £467.04 for this £10 Congestion charge. Thing is i live in Cornwall and was rushed up to St Tommys hospital in London for an emergency precedure that my local hospital didnt want to do. My Partner drove myself up in my car as i was not in any fit state to do so. TFL spotted my car on westminster bridge and proceeded to send me a bill for £60 (i think, partner dealt with it). Before this bill came through i was completely unaware of how/why where etc you pay for the charge or indeed where the congestion charges applied, i wrote to them about this and explained my situation and felt it fair that i pay the the £12 for the next day fee for the CC. This was not good enough and they then proceeded to send another bill for £180 because i had gone over the 28 days. I wrote to appeal which was unsuccessful (why i dont really Know) Anyway with a stressful pregnancy i have left my partner to deal with this (reason i was at Tommys). My partner has told TFL & has maintained through all of this that it should be his bill as he was the driver, they do not acknowledge this and say as the owner it is mine, my partner and has refused to pay TFL £180 which i somewhat agree with. Now obviously the baliffs are knocking and I get the feeling with the way my partner feels so adamant about this that it will get nasty etc. Hoping someone can point me in the right direction as to what to do next and get this sorted. Its silly i have to pay a £467.04 for something had i known about would have gladly paid the £10 fee Thanks in advance
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