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Everything posted by JuCo

  1. Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone will be able to help me. 1. Is ASU PPI? 2. Can a provider who I have been with just end the policy saying they do not provide this type of cover any more (even though I have held the policy for 6 years)? I might be wrong but am I right in thinking that if they decided to withdraw this type of cover it would only be to new customers only or at the very least offer alternative cover through a partner company or other provider? Cheers, Juco
  2. It wasn't sold with the mortgage, I bought it independently. Thing is think I should have been told the full t's and c's! Thanks for the advice and I'll make inroads on it today Cheers
  3. Hi dx100uk, It's for mortgage insurance,due to an injury. It was sold to me if I was injured and couldn't work due to it they'd pay out. Turns out they want me to be virtually paralysed before they will pay out!! Cheers
  4. I everyone, I was just wondering if the above is correct? Unfortunately I have to claim on one of policies (CIC), however the insurer is placing unexpected restrictions on the policy. I was not told this when I took out the policy and if I knew I wouldn't have purchased the cover. They have so far refused to pay out, despite me meeting the (EXTREMELY) harsh criteria. Have I been miss-sold? Cheers
  5. Hi slick132, Thanks for that. I'll have a look at the fos link. The mortgage was taken out in 2007 on a fixed rate. I will write to them regarding the points you have raised and see what happens... Cheers
  6. Hi Guys, can anyone help me? I've recently lost my job. I'm currently on a long fixed rated at 4%,with the Woolwich. The woolwich have a mortgage currently on offer at 2.8% which is exactly the same length as the term left on my original deal. When I asked them if we could just switch the mortgage to the cheaper deal, which we could just about deal with on my partners income, they said they could swap-BUT my existing deal has a £7,000 exit fee, even if switching to one of their OWN mortgages!!! Or they could send some things for me to consider-this basically extended the loan terms or made it interest only. This wouldn't help me out in the short to medium terms!! Where do I stand, can they charge excessive fees for a very simple mortgage switch between the same companies products?? Thanks
  7. I've asked them this to their face, they go along with that-we don't want to let you go etc. Then when ask if i'm still under notice, they say yes!
  8. This is while I'm at work!! Work in another department from the main HR section.
  9. It would now appear that my employer has started a 'propaganda' campaign against me,telling anyone who will listen. Along the lines of 'We don't want her to leave, she is forcing us to dismiss her and give her the letter' I was verbally dismissed,all I want is the letter to see the grounds Stressed!!!
  10. Thanks mate. Thats a fair point, going for the ET now. Should it all be lodged on the one ET claim, or should it be split into different claims?
  11. Thanks ericsbrother That about sums it up, a completely half baked attempt at dismissal, in my opinion. Do you see a case for wrongful, as well as, unfair dismissal? I shall have a look at the 'Statutory Questionnaire' I've been told by ACAS that I could go to tribunal now, over failure to provide me with written notice of dismissal after I've requested it (now over 5 weeks). My main concern now is what actually is my dismissal date, did my 12 weeks notice start when I was verbally dismissed? I don't want to be missing that deadline!!
  12. I would appreciate further views and advice from other CAGGERS. No surprise that I'm fairly stressed with the situation. It seems like they are determined to let my notice run it course, maybe preventing me from going to an ET? Cheers all
  13. Thanks Emmzzi, good advice Stu's guides are great too,just had a quick read through them. They did not follow any procedures whatsoever!
  14. Are they within their right to dismiss if they caused the injury? Right,so that goes on the PI claim?
  15. Hi stu007, No, I was not informed of the right to appeal. I was worried about the timeline with having nothing concrete in writing! Thank you for the ACAS links, I shall have a little look as soon as I get the chance Cheers
  16. Hi Emmzzi, No, had no specific guidance on the equality act. Not sure what adjusts would need to be made,quite a physical/heavy industry. Cheers
  17. Hi honeybee, Thank you That's good, fingers crossed they can
  18. Hi Guys, First time poster on here, but have been reading the boards for a while. Wondering if anyone can advise which way to go with this: *Employed more than 12yrs by current employer *Had accident at work 13 months ago (employer admitted liability, PI claim in hand) *Unable to work full time since *Paid for all Injury Assessments myself (Employer refused) *Harassed to see the reports (i was happy to if they covered the cost to me) *Told in a meeting in Nov'12 I would be dismissed if I 'didn't get myself right' and would receive a letter the next day ( I had no idea what the meeting was to be about) *Took 5 wks of me asking, to actually receive the letter (which was different to what was mentioned in meeting) *Verbally dismissed 3rd wk in Dec (I asked for this to be confirmed in writing,still waiting!) *Have started me training in another role,less money,to run concurrent with notice period, then 3 months in that position but only as sickness cover, then 'who knows' I'm aware I may have one or two grounds for unfair dismissal. Would appreciate some advice from you guys. Also would a tribunal only hear one claim, or if there are several grounds would they be heard in the same case? Cheers
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