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  1. Hi all, Thanks so much for your replies. Haven't replied earlier coz I was waiting for my credit report... And there isn't a debt showing there! So, is this debt sb'ed? Many thanks!
  2. Thank you so much for your replies, I am sorry I haven't replied sooner! I will check my credit files... I am not so sure if the debt is still with the original creditor but I believe it has been sold to Capquest... I've received letter from MHall, Scottcall and now CCS, so does it mean they have bought the debt? Again, thank you so much for your help!
  3. Hello all, I was wondering if someone can help me... I have researched few similar cases but can't really find a suitable answer. Basically, in 2002 I used my overdraft and couldn't pay it off - jobless and young. As far as I remember, my debt was £1000. Tried to arrange repayments with my bank but couldn't keep the payment on time. In 2005, I started receiving letters from Capquest demanding payment for two different accounts (£800 and £600) on behalf of my bank - I paid them £200 and stopped afterwards. I kept receiving their letters and chose to ignore them because they have never managed to show me any legal document in regards to the debt. After several letters and few years later, in 2009 I spoke to someone from Capquest and made another payment of £400 over the phone - I wanted to get rid of them but again, my financial situation got worse and I couldn't afford the payments no longer. Few months later, I started receiving letters from Mackenzie Hall and Scottcall - which I paid £80 again in 2009. Then I came across sites likes this one and realised my debt could've been statute barred - but I am not sure as I made the payments throughout the years. Now, I have received a letter from CCS collect saying that despite several letters, my acc has been selected for action by their legal partners HL solicitors. They also said that if I don't contact them ('even at this late stage you can still contact us to agree a repayment plan and prevent your acc from transfering to them'), legal action may be commenced against me in the Country Court. Now, I've read the 'may' and not 'will' is a total different matter. My question is: is my debt statute barred even though I made such payments? Should I contact them to arrange a repayment? I have no idea how I should proceed - I can't afford £600 - which is the amount they are requesting. Any advice will be very much appreciated! Thank you!
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