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  1. Hi Mike, many thanks for the swift reply, the Letter is obviously in her name, but I'm sick of receiving letters for her so opened this one. Is it still correct to send to fos? And should I just reply to the email address on the letter? Many thanks (as you can probably guess, while I do read up on these things, I'm not exactly clued up!!)
  2. Hi guys I keep receiving DCA letters for what I can only assume is the previous tenant. I am advised by the letter that I need to send a council tax bill to prove she no longer lives here. From my reading of this forum, I believe that is is THEM that needs to prove that she DOES live here? Am I right? If so what should my next step be? Many thanks in advance and keep up the great work!!
  3. Hi Yes there is a database. It's called ECOES and all suppliers have access, you could also contact your distribution board for the area. Just google electric distribution board ........ Your county. Hope this basic info helps Regards
  4. Would it be worth adding to the letter that failure to refund the charges would result in me using the BCOBS to get the charges back?
  5. Hi again slick Where would you recommend I send this? To the head office of my bank? Regards
  6. Thanks slick Will read now Regards
  7. Was just reading through it when you replied. Thanks again
  8. One more question, is there a template letter/email I can send them? Regards
  9. Also, how would I go about making a BCOBS complaint? Sorry if I come across a little stumped :-/ Regards
  10. Hi dx Many thanks, no I'm in full time employment I'll try the link. Very much appreciated
  11. Hi dx Many thanks for your reply, I estimate that there may be around 6 months of charges I could possibly claim back. Any ideas on how I could go about this? Regards
  12. Hi all, first time poster so please bear with me.... I have an overdraft with Barclays that, back in the day, I must of exceeded pretty much every month, incurring the relevant charges. I'd just like some advice on if, and how, I could go about reclaiming these charges. Great forum and many thanks in advance Regards
  13. Hi Jamie Turns out you CAN do a COT, what you'll need is another business name to put the COT into. Maybe an alternative business ran by your friend or maybe someone you know who has a business. Firstly inform BES that there is a change of tennancy taking place at the property and provide them with the new company name etc (if possible, if they ask for person names etc, try and give them one different to your friends), this should put the account onto 'deemed' rates and a 28 day rolling contract. Contact Eon or whoever you want to put the account with, and they should then apply for the meter, BES shouldn't (but probably will) object, but remember you will be on a rolling contract. The new supplier will ask you to enter a contract with them, thats fine because there will be another COT to do. Once the new supplier have control of the meter, contact them again and do a COT back into the original business name and set up a new contract and you should be free of them. Hope that makes sense and helps. This is best case scenario, and BES will make things hard for you no doubt. Best of luck Regards
  14. Hi Jaime Again, I am not 100% sure on this. You may be able to fill out a change of tennancy form into a different businesses name, then once that has been processed (upto 5 days I think) do a change if tennancy back into the original businesses name (that is assuming BES even know what a COT is!!) I'll have to check when I'm at work tomorrow, but if there is an alternative business name that the energy could be put into just to get out if the contract with BES, switch it away from them, and set up a contract with another supplier, this could be a solution. It seems like a hassle, but that's the only thing that springs to my mind, and I believe that this option is by far and away better than staying with those leeches for 3 years. I will be sure to ask the resident know-it-all at work tomorrow and could advise further once I know the score from him. I can't promise anything as I know of numerous businesses/people who are unfortunate enough to be with BES. But I will do my best Regards
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