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  1. Hi there I know it sounds bit odd but only yesterday I realized that I was probably overpaid housing benefit by around 10 months. I went to turn2us website and used calculator to calculate my benefit entitlements and all answers where ok,apart hb,it says i only should receive around £7 a week . I changed house in February and started working in march,I remember posting them information about my new job,but do not have proof and actually never received any paperwork back, They started paying me £189 month and taking away £40 for previous overpayment (£880).I think I owe them around £2800(10x189+900) I cant believe how stupid I was not to realize this earlier,it seemed to be good to be truth . This is doing my head in,been crying all the time since yesterday,I cant care after my 2 month old baby properly,because on my mind I have only one thing- what will happen to me?will they prosecute me?I'm going to council tomorrow,with all the paperwork and try to assure them that I'll pay every penny back. oh god,I feel so stupid,that I could let this happen and it possibly will ruin my future plans ( training to become a nurse),if I get criminal record or caution any advise is welcome p.s sorry for writing mistakes,english is not my primary language
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