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  1. Where will I find it please? I'm so upset and the moment and really not thinking straight.
  2. My husband has been disabled with mental health difficulties most of his life. 20+ years ago he had an industrial accident and was unable to work. he had been receiving Incapacity Benefit, he was then moved to income based income support. He receives DLA at higher rate mobility and middle rate of care. He continued to receive these allowances until he was moved on to contribution based ESA and was told he needed to start sending in sick notes from his doctor, which he did. He was called to an ATOS medical and told he was fit for work, one breakdown later and we appealed. His money was initially stopped but then re-instated with a drop of £160 a month! In total we received carers allowance for me: industrial injuries benefit for him: DLA for me (I have fibromyalgia) and DLA for him, as well as his new amount of ESA, providing he sent in sick notes. On the 21st Dec 2012 we went to appeal and won! From nil points he was awarded 36 points and we were told by the judge "You have won, they shoould leave you alone now for two years" We were so relieved. His money was stopped again after the appeal though with no explanation. I have to add that during this whole process we have not recieved one letter from the DWP. Yesterday he was told that his money would be back dated and he would be getting £82 a week. This morning he received a letter syaing his contribution based ESA had run out and he would get £0.00! now we're frantic, we have nothing accept carers allowance, DLA and IIB and don't know where to turn. Our housing benefit has also been stopped, what do we do?
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