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  1. thanku so much i may be sometime trying to do this but im not wimping out this time...
  2. right this spreadsheet thing just isn't happening, 1/god knows which spreadsheet I should be using 2/ Everytime I find a link to a spreadsheet I click on it and internet explorer opens??? 3/I downloaded an xl reader which has totally infected my pc with spy/ad ware 4/Ive spent 3 hours just trying to find the right spreadsheet let alone get it open in a format which I can edit/fill in. very frustrating words cant describe.
  3. the only link I have found is for spreadsheets providing these filenames- statintsheet and loananalysis im assuming I need the 2nd one?
  4. hi there again long time no see lol, no I haven't is there a template for it? and how would I learn how to fill in a spreadsheet? and what figues do I need to put in it? poverty has got me much more determined this time around....j
  5. I cant post a link to my original thread but its in my profile
  6. HI, I put a post up some time ago with regards to trying to get my gap insurance payments back from welcome, I kinda got confused/stressed with the spreadsheet par of the claim. As time as rolled on I am wondering is it worth having another go and if anyone would help me please? I will post a link to the original thread. thanks j
  7. i cannot really grasp it all, i work in a factory forgive my lack of technical ability but reading all that just fries my brain, soon as i see the word spreadsheet i panic and start breathing iregular. Im just going to leave it as its stressing me out more than anything, you can lead a mule(ass) to water etc....cheers again anyway J
  8. there finally i think....ps i think that link for the auto pdf converter is broke but i googled it and found site anyway cheers.
  9. ah great thanks will get cracking on that advice now but as my pc skills are limited it could take me a while beer with me....
  10. it was for a car i paid the finance and insurance off 2/3s of the way through thanks for replies:-)
  11. hi, I have just received my sar from welcome and even though they said i have no insurances i actually have "shortfall extra" amounting to a rather large amount. please can anybody point me towards a templete specifically for welcome and shortfall extra, I havent been lazy just cannot find one anywhere and believe me ive looked! thankyou in advance if you can help if not thanks for ready my post. Jamie
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